
See my Google Scholar profile page for more publication information.

Khulood Alkhudaidi, Tish Burke, Rachel Boll, Shruti Mahajan, Erin T. Solovey, Jeanne Reis. 2025 Perceptions and Preferences: Deaf ASL-Signing Users' Insights on Video Elements, Styles and Layouts In Proc. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’25), April 26–May 01, 2025, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA. (To Appear)

Shruti Mahajan, Rachel Boll, Khulood Alkhudaidi, Jeanne Reis, and Erin T. Solovey. 2025. Conducting HCI Research with the Deaf Community in American Sign Language: Practices and Experiences. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’25), April 26–May 01, 2025, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages. (To Appear)

Christopher Micek, Erin T. Solovey. (2024) Examining the Impact of Digital Jury Moderation on the Polarization of U.S. Political Communities on Social Media. Interacting with Computers, iwae036.

Katherine Chen, Donna Taylor, Erin T. Solovey. (2024). Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Site at WPI: Engineering for People and the Planet as Inspiration to Teach Integrated STEM. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE’24). [Poster].

Christopher Micek, Erin T. Solovey, Lourenço A. Rodrigues, Asmus E. Eilks, Lasse Warnke, Felix Putze. (2024). Team Cognitive Informatics: Leveraging Brain Sensing to Assess and Augment Team Performance in Creative Collaboration. ACM CHI’24 Workshop on the Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics. 6 pages.

Christopher Micek, Erin T. Solovey. (2024). Physiological Signals for Teamwork: User-Centered Design of a Brain-Computer Interface to Enhance Creative Collaboration. ACM CHI’24 Workshop on PhysioCHI: Towards Best Practices for Integrating Physiological Signals in HCI. 12 pages.

Rachel Boll, Shruti Mahajan, Tish Burke, Khulood Alkhudaidi, Brittany Henriques, Isabelle Cordova, Zoey Walker, Erin T. Solovey, Jeanne Reis. User Perceptions and Preferences for Online Surveys in American Sign Language: An Exploratory Study. In Proc. of ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. (ASSETS'23). [Video]

Sonmez Unal, D., Mowad, T. G, Howell-Munson, A., Walker, E., Solovey, E., & Arrington, C. (2023). Classification of Rule Learning Phases in Inductive Reasoning. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. (Poster)

Deniz Sonmez Unal, Catherine Arrington, Erin T. Solovey, Erin Walker. (2023). Eliciting Proactive and Reactive Control During Use of an Interactive Learning Environment. In: Wang, N., Rebolledo-Mendez, G., Matsuda, N., Santos, O.C., Dimitrova, V. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. AIED 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13916. Springer, Cham.

Alicia Howell-Munson, Deniz Sonmez Unal, Theresa Mowad, Catherine Arrington, Erin Walker, Erin T. Solovey. (2023). Classification of Brain Signals Collected During a Rule Learning Paradigm. In: Wang, N., Rebolledo-Mendez, G., Dimitrova, V., Matsuda, N., Santos, O.C. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. Posters and Late Breaking Results, Workshops and Tutorials, Industry and Innovation Tracks, Practitioners, Doctoral Consortium and Blue Sky. AIED 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1831. Springer, Cham.

Max Chen, Erin Solovey, Gillian Smith. 2023. Impact of BCI-Informed Visual Effect Adaptation in a Walking Simulator. In Foundations of Digital Games 2023 (FDG 2023). April 12-14, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages.

Haowen Wei, Ziheng Li, Alexander D. Galvan, Zhuoran Su, Xiao Zhang, Kaveh Pahlavan, and Erin T. Solovey. 2022. IndexPen: Two-Finger Text Input with Millimeter-Wave Radar. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 4, 4, Article 145 (April 2022), 40 pages. [Video]

Alicia Howell-Munson, Christopher Micek, Ziheng Li, Michael Clements, Andrew C. Nolan, Jackson Powell, Erin T. Solovey, and Rodica Neamtu. 2022. BrainEx: Interactive Visual Exploration and Discovery of Sequence Similarity in Brain Signals. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 6, EICS, Article 162 (June 2022), 41 pages.

Alicia Howell-Munson, Emily Doherty, Peter Gavriel, Claire Nicolas, Adam Norton, Rodica Neamtu, Holly Yanco, Yi-Ning Wu, and Erin T. Solovey. 2022. Towards Brain Metrics for Improving Multi-Agent Adaptive Human-Robot Collaboration: A Preliminary Study. In 2022 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work (CHIWORK 2022). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 11, 1–10. [Video Presentation]

Shruti Mahajan, Khulood Alkhudaidi, Rachel Boll, Jeanne Reis, and Erin Solovey. 2022. Role of Technology in Increasing Representation of Deaf Individuals in Future STEM Workplaces. In 2022 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work (CHIWORK 2022). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 16, 1–6.

Mahajan, S., Walker, Z., Boll, R., Santacreu, M., Salvino, A., Westfort, M., Reis, J., Solovey, E.T. (2022). Towards Sign Language-Centric Design of ASL Survey Tools. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22), April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16 pages. Best Paper Award Honorable Mention [Video Presentation]

McDonald, D.Q., Mahajan, S., Vallett, R., Dion, G., Shokoufandeh, A., Solovey, E.T. (2022). Interaction with Touch-Sensitive Knitted Fabrics: User Perceptions and Everyday Use Experiments. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22), April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 20 pages. [Video Preview] [Video Presentation]

Putze, F., Putze, S., Sagehorn, M., Micek, C., Solovey, E.T. (2022) Understanding HCI Practices and Challenges of Experiment Reporting with Brain Signals: Towards Reproducibility and Reuse. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 29, 4, Article 31 (March 2022), 43 pages. [Video Presentation]

Mahajan, S., McDonald, D.Q., Vallett, R.J., Liu, F., Solovey, E.T. (2022). Exploring Use of AR and Soft Knitted Sensor Technology for Co-located Parent-Child Quality Time. ACM GROUP'22 Workshop on Technologies for Children at Home Exploring Ways To Support Caregivers With Child-friendly Media Technologies For The Home. 5 pages.

Plácido da Silva, H., Garcia N.M. and Solovey E.T. (2021). Editorial: Biomedical Signals for Human-Computer Interaction. Frontiers in Computer Science 3:799952. doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2021.799952

DeCarli, L., Ray, I., Solovey, E.T. (2021). Vision: Stewardship of Smart Devices Security for the Aging Population, 2021 European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC 2021). 9 Pages. Best Paper Award Honorable Mention

Solovey, E.T., Putze, F. (2021), Improving HCI with Brain Input: Review, Trends, and Outlook, Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction: Vol. 13: No. 4, pp 298-379.

Howell-Munson, A., Sonmez Unal, D., Walker, E., Arrington, C., Solovey, E. (2021), Preliminary steps towards detection of proactive and reactive control states during learning with fNIRS brain signals, Proc. of First International Workshop on Multimodal Artificial Intelligence in Education. 10 pages.

Micek, C., Guan, Z., Solovey, E. (2021), Toward Understanding Effects of Digital Jury Moderation on the Polarization of Social Media Users, Proc. of CHI'21 Workshop on In search of the alternative future: Developing participatory digital citizenship to address the crisis of democracy. 5 pages.

Moradinezhad, R., Solovey, E.T. (2021). Investigating Trust in Interaction with Inconsistent Embodied Virtual Agents. In International Journal of Social Robotics. 16 pages.

Liu, R., Reimer, B., Song, S., Mehler, B., Solovey, E.T. (2021). Unsupervised fNIRS feature extraction with CAE and ESN autoencoder for driver cognitive load classification. In Journal of Neural Engineering, 18, 036002. 15 pages.

McDonald, D.Q., Vallet, R., Solovey, E., Dion, G., Shokoufandeh, A. (2020). Knitted Sensors: Designs and Novel Approaches for Real-Time, Real-World Sensing In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 4 (4), Article 145 (December 2020), 25 pages.

Boll, R., Mahajan, S., Reis, J., Solovey, E.T. (2020). Creating questionnaires that align with ASL linguistic principles and cultural practices within the Deaf community In Proc. of the 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility. [video]

Solovey, E.T., Ryan, K.J., Cummings, M. (2020). CODA: Mobile Interface for Enabling Safer Navigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Real-World Settings. In International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 145, 102508. 10 pages

Unal, D., Arrington, K., Solovey, E., Walker, E. (2020). Using Thinkalouds to Understand Rule Learning and Cognitive Control Mechanisms within an ITS. In Proc. International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), pp. 500-511

Liu, R., Walker, E., Friedman, L., Arrington, C.M., Solovey, E.T. (2020) fNIRS-based Classification of Mind-wandering with Personalized Window Selection for Multimodal Learning Interfaces. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces. 16 pages.

K. Pahlavan, J. Ying, Z. Li, E. Solovey, J. P. Loftus, and Z. Dong. RF Cloud for Cyberspace Intelligence. IEEE Access 8 (2020): 89976-89987.

R. Liu, E. Solovey (2020). AI for Adaptive Brain-Computer Interfaces: Challenges and Opportunities Proc. of CHI 2020 Workshop on Aritificial Intelligence for HCI: A Modern Approach.

L. De Carli, I. Ray, E. Solovey (2020). Enabling IoT Residential Security Stewardship for the Aging Population. In Proc. CHI 2020 Workshop on Designing Interactions for the Ageing Populations - Addressing Global Challenges.

R. Moradinezhad, E. Solovey (2020). Embodied Conversational Agent Behavior and its Impact on Trust in Other Agents. Proc. of CUI@CHI: Mapping Grand Challenges for the Conversational User Interface Community CHI 2020 Workshop.

Z. Li, Z. Lei, A. Yan, E. Solovey, K. Pahlavan. (2020). ThuMouse: A Micro-gesture Cursor Input through mmWave Radar-based Interaction. In Proc. IEEE ICCE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, NV, USA. 9 pages.

A. Girouard, O. Shaer, E.T. Solovey, G. M. Poor, R.J.K. Jacob. (2019). The Reality of Reality-Based Interaction: Understanding the Impact of a Framework as a Research Tool. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI). 26 (5), 35 pages.

J. Dubey, M. Sumaria, E. Oktay, Y. Li, Z. Li, R. Neamtu, E. T. Solovey (2019). Towards neuroadaptive technology using time warped distances for similarity exploration of brain data. In Proc. of Neuroadaptive Technology Conference (NAT 2019), Liverpool UK.

R. Liu, A. Sarkar, E.T. Solovey, S. Tschiatschek (2019). Evaluating Rule-based Programming and Reinforcement Learning for Personalising an Intelligent System. In Proc. of the 2019 on IUI Workshop on Explainable Smart Systems.

F. Putze, J. Hild, A. Sano, E., E. Solovey, and T. Schultz. (2018). Modeling Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Signals. In Proc. of the 2018 on International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 663-663.

L. Friedman, R. Liu, E. Walker, E. Solovey (2018). Integrating Non-Invasive Neuroimaging and Computer Log Data to Improve Understanding of Cognitive Processes, In MCPMD '18: Proceedings of the Workshop on Modeling Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data, October 2018, Article No.: 10, pp 1–5.

L. Friedman, R. Liu, A. Kim, E. Walker, E. Solovey (2018). Towards Neuroadaptive Personal Learning Environments: Using fNIRS to Detect Changes in Attentional State, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Neuroergonomics, Frontiers.

R. Moradinezhad, E. Solovey (2018). Assessing human reaction to a virtual agent’s facial feedback in a simple Q&A setting, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Neuroergonomics, Frontiers.

A. Girouard, R.J.K. Jacob, O. Shaer, E. Solovey, and M. Poor. (2018) Reflecting on the Impact of HCI Frameworks, Proc. ACM CHI 2018 Workshop on Rethinking Interaction, ACM Press.

Denisa Qori McDonald, Erin T. Solovey (2017). User Identification from fNIRS Brain Data Using Deep Learning. In Proceedings of 2017 Conference on Neuroadaptive Technology.

Ruixue Liu, Erin Walker, Erin T. Solovey (2017). Toward Neuroadaptive Personal Learning Environments. In Proceedings of 2017 Conference on Neuroadaptive Technology.

Joel Chan, Pao Siangliulue, Denisa Qori McDonald, Ruixue Liu, Reza Moradinezhad, Safa Aman, Erin T. Solovey, Krzysztof Z. Gajos, and Steven P. Dow. Semantically far inspirations considered harmful?: Accounting for cognitive states in collaborative ideation. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Creativity and Cognition, C&C '17, pages 93-105, New York, NY, USA, 2017. ACM. [slides]

Ruixue Liu, Gabriela Marcu, Erin T. Solovey. Mindful Shopping: A Compulsive Buying Disorder Management Tool. In Proceedings of ACM CHI 2017 Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH 2017).

Reza Moradinezhad, Erin T. Solovey. Integrating Brain and Physiological Sensing with Virtual Agents to Amplify Human Perception. In Proceedings of ACM CHI 2017 Workshop on Amplification and Augmentation of Human Perception.

Denisa Qori McDonald & Erin T. Solovey. (2017). AgileFood: Facilitating Adaptive Food Donation to Address Hunger & Reduce Waste. In Proceedings of ACM CHI 2017 Workshop on Designing Sustainable Food Systems.

Denisa Qori McDonald, Rachel Greenstadt, Girija Kaimal, Erin T. Solovey. Mental Health Markers in Language and Brain Data: Potential Diagnostic Use and Privacy Concerns. In Proc. of ACM CHI 2017 Symposium on Computing and Mental Health. 2017.

Erin T. Solovey, Pallavi Powale, M.L. Cummings. A field study of multimodal alerts for an autonomous threat detection system. In Proc. of HCI International 2017 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 2017.

F. Tucker, E. T. Solovey, C. Geib, F. Lee. Veneer: A Digital Visual Novel Game Exploring Player Empathy. In Proc. Meaningful Play. East Lansing, MI. October, 2016.

Shelby Keating, Erin Walker, Anil Motupali, Erin T. Solovey. Toward Real-time Brain Sensing for Learning Assessment: Building a Rich Dataset. In Proc. ACM CHI 2016 Extended Abstracts. San Jose, CA. May, 2016.

Erin T. Solovey, Ruixue Liu, Reza Moradinezhad. Advanced Interaction Research in Autonomous Vehicles. In Proc. ACM CHI 2016 Workshop on HCI and Autonomous Vehicles: Contextual Experience Informs Design. San Jose, CA. May, 2016.

Giulio Jacucci, Stephen Fairclough, Erin T. Solovey. Physiological Computing. IEEE Computer. 2015. [Editor Roundtable Discussion]

Jeanne Reis, Erin T. Solovey, Jon Henner, Kathleen Johnson, Robert Hoffmeister. ASL CLeaR: STEM Education Tools for Deaf Students. Proc. ASSETS’15. (Poster paper) ACM. 2015.

Fei Gao, M.L. Cummings & Erin T. Solovey, "Designing for Robust and Effective Teamwork in Human-Agent Teams." in The Intersection of Robust Intelligence (RI) and Trust in Autonomous Systems, Ed.: W. Lawless, Springer.

Daniel Belyusar, Bruce Mehler, Erin T. Solovey, & Bryan Reimer. The Impact of Repeated Exposure to a Multi-Level Working Memory Task on Physiological Arousal and Driving Performance, Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board. No. 2518, 46-53. 2015

Mark Boyer, M.L. Cummings, Lee B. Spence, Erin T. Solovey. Investigating Mental Workload Changes in a Long Duration Supervisory Control Task, Interacting With Computers (2015).

E.T. Solovey, D. Afergan, A. Venkat, D. Belyusar, B. Mehler, B. Reimer. "Enabling Adaptive Autonomy: Brain & Body Sensing for Adaptive Vehicles," Proc. CHI 2015 Workshop on Autonomous Driving UX. (2015). [link]

E.T. Solovey, J. Okerlund, C. Hoef, J. Davis, O. Shaer. "Augmenting Spatial Skills with Semi-Immersive Interactive Desktop Displays: Do Immersion Cues Matter?" Proc. Augmented Human. 2015. [link]

E.T. Solovey, D. Afergan, E.M. Peck, S. Hincks, R.J.K. Jacob, “Designing Implicit Interfaces for Physiological Computing: Guidelines and Lessons Learned using fNIRS," ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) Vol. 21, Iss. 6., 2015. [link]

C. Hoef, J. Davis, O. Shaer, E.T. Solovey, “An In-Depth Look at the Benefits of Immersion Cues on Spatial 3D Problem Solving," ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interfaces (Poster), Honolulu, HI, October 4-5, 2014. [link] [poster]

D. Belyusar, B. Reimer, B. Mehler, D. Afergan, J.F. Coughlin, E.T. Solovey, "Utilizing functional near-infrared spectroscopy to identify cognitive processes contributing to workload in a dual-task environment," Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting (Poster Presentation), Washington, D.C., November 18, 2014. [poster]

F. Gao, M.L. Cummings, E.T. Solovey, “Modeling Teamwork in Supervisory Control of Multiple Robots," IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems [link]

E.T. Solovey, M. Zec, E. Garcia Perez, B. Reimer, B. Mehler. Classifying Driver Workload Using Physiological and Driving Performance Data: Two Field Studies. Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI ’14, ACM Press (2014). Best Paper Award Honorable Mention. [Awarded to top 5%] [link] [video preview]

D. Afergan, E. Peck, E.T. Solovey, A. Jenkins, S. Hincks, E.T. Brown, R. Chang, R.J.K. Jacob. Dynamic Difficulty Using Brain Metrics of Workload. Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI ’14, ACM Press (2014). Best Paper Award Honorable Mention.[Awarded to top 5%] [link]

C. Berardi, E.T. Solovey, M.L. Cummings "Investigating the Efficacy of Network Visualizations for Intelligence Tasks," Proc. IEEE Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2013. [link]

K. Reinecke, D. Flatla, E.T. Solovey, C. Gutwin, K. Gajos, J. Heer, "Many People, Many Eyes: Aggregating Influences of Visual Perception on User Interface Design," Proc. ACM CHI 2013 Extended Abstracts. (2013). [abstract] [website]

A. Girouard, E.T. Solovey, and R.J.K. Jacob, “Designing a Passive Brain Computer Interface using Real Time Classification of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy,” International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (2013). [link]
A. Mkrtchyan, J. Macbeth, E.T. Solovey, J. Ryan, M. Cummings. “Using Variable-Rate Alerting to Counter Boredom in Human Supervisory Control,” Proc. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 2012. [link]

E.T. Solovey, "Real-time fNIRS Brain Input for Adaptive Robot Autonomy," Proc HRI Pioneers Workshop (2012). [Acceptance Rate: 23%]

E.T. Solovey, B. Mehler, B. Reimer, “Brain Sensing with fNIRS in the Car,” Proc. of International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI), Portsmouth, NH, October 17-19, 2012. [link] [poster]

S. Teller, B.K. Horn, R. Finman. B. Wu, E. Solovey, B. Wang, J. Karraker, Divert and Alert: Mitigating and Warning of Traffic Threats to Police Stopped Along the Roadside. National Institute of Justice Conference. (Poster Presentation). Arlington, VA. June 18-20, 2012. [poster]

E.T. Solovey. Real-time fNIRS Brain Input for Enhancing Interactive Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer Science Department, Tufts University, Medford, MA. (2012).

E.T. Solovey, K. Jackson, M.L. Cummings, “Collision Avoidance Interface for Safe Piloting of Unmanned Vehicles using a Mobile Device," ACM UIST 2012 Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, ACM Press (2012). [link] [poster]

E.T. Solovey, P. Schermerhorn, M. Scheutz, A. Sassaroli, S. Fantini, R.J.K. Jacob, “Brainput: Enhancing Interactive Systems with Streaming fNIRS Brain Input,” Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI’12, ACM Press (2012). Best Paper Award Honorable Mention.[Awarded to top 5%] [link]

Peck, E.M., Solovey, E.T., Su, S., Jacob, R.J.K., and Chang, R. “Near to the Brain: Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Lightweight Brain Imaging Technique for Visualization.” InfoVis 2011. (Poster Paper). [link] Best Poster Award

Peck, E. and Solovey, E.T. Neuroscience and Computing. ACM XRDS: Crossroads Magazine 18, 1 (2011), 5-5.[link]

Peck, E. and Solovey, E.T. The sensorium. ACM XRDS: Crossroads Magazine 18, 1 (2011). 14-17. [link]

E.T. Solovey, K. Chauncey, F. Lalooses, M. Parasi, D. Weaver, M. Scheutz, P. Schermerhorn, A. Sassaroli, S. Fantini, A. Girouard, R.J.K. Jacob, “Sensing Cognitive Multitasking for a Brain-Based Adaptive User Interface,” Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI’11, ACM Press (2011). [Acceptance Rate: 26%] [link]

E.T Solovey, R.J.K. Jacob, "Meaningful Human-Computer Interaction Using fNIRS Brain Sensing," Proc ACM CHI 2011 Workshop on  Brain and Body Interfaces: Designing for Meaningful Interaction (2011). [link]

E. M. Peck, E.T. Solovey, K. Chauncey, A. Sassaroli, S. Fantini, A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, R.J.K. Jacob, “Your Brain, Your Computer, and You,” IEEE Computer, vol. 43, no. 12, December, 2010.

E.T. Solovey, R.J.K. Jacob, Using fNIRS to Support User Interfaces, fNIRS Conference, Cambridge, MA, Oct 15-17, 2010. (Poster Paper) [abstract] [poster]

E. Peck, K. Chauncey, A. Girouard, R. Gulotta, F. Lalooses, E.T. Solovey, D. Weaver, and R. Jacob, “From Brains to Bytes,” XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 42-47 (2010). [link]

A. Girouard, E.T. Solovey, R. Mandryk, D. Tan, L. Nacke, R.J.K. Jacob, “Brain, Body and Bytes: Psychophysiological User Interaction,” Proc. ACM CHI 2010 Extended Abstracts. (2010). [link]

A. Girouard, E. Solovey, L. Hirshfield, E. Peck, K. Chauncey, A. Sassaroli, S. Fantini, and R. Jacob, “From Brain Signals to Adaptive Interfaces: Using fNIRS in HCI,” in Brain-Computer Interfaces: Applying our Minds to Human-Computer Interaction, ed. by A. Nijholt and D. Tan, Springer (2010) [link]

E.T. Solovey. "Using Your Brain for Human-Computer Interaction," Doctoral Symposium, ACM UIST 2009 Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, ACM Press (2009). [link]

E.T. Solovey, A. Girouard, K. Chauncey, L.M. Hirshfield, A. Sassaroli, F. Zheng, S. Fantini , and R.J.K. Jacob, “Using fNIRS Brain Sensing in Realistic HCI Settings: Experiments and Guidelines,” ACM UIST 2009 Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, ACM Press (2009). [Acceptance Rate: 18%] [link]

A. Sassaroli, F. Zheng, M. Coutts, L. M. Hirshfield, A. Girouard, E. T. Solovey, R. J. K. Jacob,Y. Tong, B. deB. Frederick, and S. Fantini, " Application of near-infrared spectroscopy for discrimination of mental workloads," SPIE Proceedings 7174, (2009). [link]

L.M. Hirshfield, E.T. Solovey, A. Girouard, J. Kebinger, R.J.K. Jacob, A. Sassaroli, and S. Fantini , “Brain Measurement for Usability Testing and Adaptive Interfaces: An Example of Uncovering Syntactic Workload with Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy,” Proc. ACM CHI 2009 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, ACM Press (2009). [Acceptance Rate: 24.5%] [link]

M.S. Horn, E.T. Solovey, R.J. Crouser, and R.J.K. Jacob, “Comparing the Use of Tangible and Graphical Programming Languages for Informal Science Education,” Proc. ACM CHI 2009 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, ACM Press (2009). [Acceptance Rate: 24.5%] [link]

E.T. Solovey, O. Shaer, A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, M.S. Horn, J. Zigelbaum, R.J.K. Jacob, “Programming reality within the reality-based interaction framework,” Proc. ACM CHI 2009 Workshop on Programming Reality (2009).[link]

L.M. Hirshfield, E.T. Solovey, A. Girouard, R.J.K. Jacob, J. Kebinger, M.S. Horn, O. Shaer, J. Zigelbaum, and R.J.K. Jacob, “Using Brain Measurement to Evaluate Reality Based Interactions,” Proc. ACM CHI 2009 Workshop on Challenges in Evaluating Usability and User Experience of Reality-Based Interaction (2009). [link]

Bernstein, M., André, P., Luther, K., Solovey, E. T., Poole, E. S., Paul, S. A., Kane, S. K., and Grudin, J. 2009. CHIstory. In Proceedings of the 27th international Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, MA, USA, April 04 - 09, 2009). CHI EA '09. ACM, New York, NY, 3493-3494. [pdf][video] Golden Mouse award.

A. Girouard, E.T. Solovey, L.M. Hirshfield, K. Chauncey, A. Sassaroli, S. Fantini, and R.J.K. Jacob, “Distinguishing Difficulty Levels with Non-invasive Brain Activity Measurements,” Proc. INTERACT 2009 Conference (2009). [Acceptance Rate: 29%] [link]

L. Hirshfield, K. Chauncey, R. Gulotta, A. Girouard, E. Solovey, R. Jacob, A. Sassaroli, and S. Fantini, “Combining Electroencephalograph and Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Explore Users' Instantaneous and Continuous Mental Workload States,” HCI International 2009 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Springer (2009). [link]

E. T. Solovey. "Using your brain for human-computer interaction," Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Poster Session (2008).

A. Sassaroli, F. Zheng, L.M. Hirshfield, A. Girouard, E.T. Solovey, R.J.K. Jacob, and S. Fantini, “Discrimination of Mental Workload Levels in Human Subjects with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy,” Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences (2008).[link]

M.S. Horn, E. T. Solovey, R.J.K. Jacob. 2008. Tangible Programming and Informal Science Learning: Making TUIs Work for Museums. Proc. of Interaction Design and Children, (Chicago, IL, USA, June 11-13, 2008). IDC '08. ACM, New York, NY. [link]

R.J.K. Jacob, A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, M.S. Horn, O. Shaer, E. T. Solovey, and J. Zigelbaum, “Reality-Based Interaction: A Framework for Post-WIMP Interfaces,” Proc. ACM CHI 2008 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, ACM Press (2008). [Acceptance Rate: 22%] [link]

A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, E. Solovey, and R.J.K. Jacob, “Using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in HCI: Toward evaluation methods and adaptive interfaces,” Proc. ACM CHI 2008 Workshop on Brain-Computer Interfaces for HCI and Games (2008). [link]

A. Sassaroli, Y. Tong, L. M. Hirshfield, A. Girouard, E. T. Solovey, R. J. K. Jacob, S. Fantini, "Real-time assessment of mental workload with near infrared spectroscopy: potential for human-computer interaction", OSA topical meeting, BIOMED, BMD14 (2008) [link]

M.S. Horn, O. Shaer, A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, E.T. Solovey, J. Zigelbaum, and R.J.K. Jacob, "Putting Tangible User Interfaces in Context: A Unifying Framework for Next Generation HCI," Proc. ACM CHI 2007 Workshop on Tangible User Interfaces in Context and Theory (2007). [link]

R.J.K. Jacob, A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, M. Horn, O. Shaer, E.T. Solovey, and J. Zigelbaum, "What Is the Next Generation of Human-Computer Interaction?," interactions, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 53-58 (May 2007). [link]

R.J.K. Jacob, A. Girouard, L.M. Hirshfield, M.S. Horn, O. Shaer, E.T. Solovey, and J. Zigelbaum, "Reality-Based Interaction: Unifying the New Generation of Interaction Styles," ACM CHI 2007 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, pp. 2465-2470, ACM Press, Work in Progress paper (2007). [link]

L.M. Hirshfield, A. Girouard, E.T. Solovey, R.J.K. Jacob, A. Sassaroli, Y. Tong, and S. Fantini , "Human-Computer Interaction and Brain Measurement Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy," ACM UIST 2007 Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, ACM Press, Poster paper (2007). [link]

A. Girouard, E.T. Solovey, L. Hirshfield, S. Ecott, O. Shaer, and R.J.K. Jacob, "Smart Blocks: A Tangible Mathematical Manipulative," Proc. TEI 2007 First International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction, pp. 183-186 (2007). [link]