Computer Science

Computer Science

This course is taught by Mrs. Taricco. In this class, we learn how to create a website using HTML and CSS, we also learn to create apps, and learn Java through the AP Computer Science A curriculum. Each lesson is reinforced through exercises and labs, where students could communicate together on ways to approach the solution.

ArrayList Exercises

This program is multiple ArrayList exercises that practice filtering ArrayList elements and create a card sorting algorithm to see if the ending configuration would end up being a sequence of numbers each incremented by 1, assuming the starting configuration sums up to a triangular number.

A triangular number is a number that represents the sum of n terms from 1 to n. For example, 6 is a triangular number as 1+2+3=6.

Static Array Exercies

This assignment uses static arrays to determine the mean, median, and mode. We also created a program that uses static arrays to create a magic square.

A magic square is a nxn matrix that contains values from 1 to n2. What's unique about a magic square is that the sums of each column, row, and diagonal are equal.