This course is taught by Mrs. Burns. We learn how to use math in real life scenarios in order to solve problems. Students also solve challenge problems that require creative solutions. Work is often group based when doing these challenge problems as it helps to bounce ideas between one another.
In this course, all students participate in the Modeling the Future Challenge, where we use acturarial skills in order to solve real world problems. In the challenge, we need to select a topic and identify the risks in that area. Afterward, teams find a mitigation strategy to help with that risk. My team has chosen the topic of E-sports and is investigating the risks that can come from it. The document to the left shows our brainstorming and response to prompts in the early stages of the project.
This was a group assignment in which students were instructed to create an algorithm to determine the day of the week someone was born based on their birth date. The algorithm was very interesting to derive as we had to account for leap years. Eventually, after finding some patterns between how the day of date changes throughout different years, we managed to create an algorithm that could find the day of any birthday.