About Me!

Welcome to my website

Hello! I'm Adel Benchemam, a current junior at Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science. I was born and raised in Algeria and moved to the United States! My sending school was South High Community School, where I spent 2 years under the Goddard Scholars Academy program. I love running, puzzles, chess, and I am aspiring to be an engineer! This is a website that will get you to learn more about me!

I have 2 siblings. My older sister is named Hind and a little brother named Adam. The picture to the left of this is us in Canada, Adam obviously flipped the car, and Hind and I are standing on top of it.

My sister enjoys art, and my brother enjoys all sorts of things. Currently he is walking around the house pretending to be a builder.

For some reason, the first memory that comes to mind when I think of them is playing Twister with them. It ended up being extremely funny because we had the worst turns that made us become professional contortionists.

These are my siblings


I'm not a photographer, but I do like taking random pictures of trees, bodies of water, or birds. Down below is a cardinal I found in a pine tree, and other pictures I have taken.

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This is a flower
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These are ducks!
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This is a bird
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This is the lake frozen
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This is a bug
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This is a huge lake

Community Service:

One of the places I volunteered for was Mechanics Hall, where I set up props for a play named “A Night To Remember, Folks Guardians of Worcester”. The event was really fun as we set up giant props and met up with actors and assisted people with directions to the stage room.

I've also volunteered at the 2023 and 2024 Worcester St. Patrick's Day parade!

This is us volunteering at Mechanics Hall

Clubs and Sports:

I've done math team during my sophomore year and really enjoyed the learning, vibes, and people!

Later on I hope to do indoor track and maybe participate in robotics!

I was also part of the chess team and played in a few tournaments. I love strategic games like chess, and I've had a lot of fun during tournaments, even in between rounds with friends! I have been beaten by a 5 year old in a tournament but that's not important.

I have a hobby of programming. I used to try to make games and 3D model, but I ended up learning more about web development. You can see my cross country website here.

I have done multiple sports in my life, but I love running the most! I started running for cross country during the fall of 2023. I don’t like distance running; however, cross country has the best teammates and vibes! We run 5k races (3.1 miles) in cross country and occasionally 3k races as well. Our practices are so much fun, and we even play tag during practice! At the end of the season, we host a pasta party to relax and celebrate!

Another sport that I do is outdoor track! I ran the 400m and occasionally the 800m. Running is so fun and makes me feel accomplished after I look back at the progress I’ve made.

We won medals at districts

Reach out to me at abenchemam@wpi.edu