Human-Inspired Robotics Lab

Zhi (Jane) Li (

Jun 28th, 2017

RBE 4815 – Industrial Robotics


Zhi Jane Li

Office: 85 Prescott 223C

Email: zli11 [at]

Time & Location: M T R F 09:00 – 09:50 at WB323

Office Hour: Wed & Fri, 2:00-3:00pm at Instructor’s office


This course introduces students to robotics within manufacturing systems. Topics include: classification of robots, robot kinematics, motion generation and transmission, end effectors, motion accuracy, sensors, robot control, safety systems, and automation. This course is a combination of lecture, laboratory and project work, and utilizes industrial robots. Through the laboratory work, students will become familiar with robotic programming (using the RAPID robotic programming language for the ABB robot) and the robotic teaching mode (the FlexPendant). The experimental component of the laboratory exercise measures the motion and positioning capabilities of robots as a function of several robotic variables and levels, and it includes the use of experimental design techniques and analysis of variance.


ME 1800 or basic manufacturing knowledge, programming concepts, MA 1021-4 Calculus, MA 2071 Linear Algebra, ME 3010 Kinematics or RBE 3001 Unified Robotics III: Manipulation, ES 3011 Controls (or equivalent), ES 2501 Statics

Reference Books:

Course Syllabus:

Course schedule:


  1. In-class Quizzes 5%
  2. Assignments 10%
  3. Course project 20%
  4. Project report 40%
  5. Laboratory Participation and Completion 10%
  6. Laboratory Reports 15%

Lecture Slides:

  1. Introduction to Course
  2. Robot Geometry
  3. Introduction to labs and final course project
  4. Coordinate Frame
  5. Transformation
  6. Kinematics


The instructor reserves the right to modify the course outline and policies mentioned in this syllabus at any time during the term.