STW (Science and Technical Writing)

This class is taught by Dr. Crowthers. In this class we learn skills necessary to help with our science fair project.

Project Brief

This is the project brief which outlines my STEM I project. Since my project focuses on filtering microplastics, the brief gives some background information about the importance of the project.


Literature Review

The literature review serves as a in depth background to the science fair project. It acts as a sort of introduction to the project and provides information for understanding the rest of the project.

Project Notes

These are the notes that I have taken during my research. It is a good way to organize and document the sources that I have looked at and take some notes about each of the sources. Here, I can look back for specific information that I have read about before.

Stats Presentation

Different groups did presentations on different statistical tests. My group did our presentation on the t test. These statistical tests are important to our science fair projects because it is important to test how accurate the collected data is. These tests compare the means of data to see if there are any significant differences between data.