computer science

Computer Science is another course that is offered at Mass Academy. In Computer Science, there are two tracks you can take depending on the level of experience you have with Java. As a part of the advanced track, I spent I will be spending A, B, and a part of C term working on an independent project. Through my independent project, I advanced my skills in app development and machine learning.

finding the largest prime factor

One of the first assignments we were tasked with in the year was creating a program that found the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143. This problem in particular was fun to solve because there were multiple ways a solution could be coded. In my solution, I used recursion to create a method that repeatedly runs the function findingFactors until it comes across a prime value. In this case, it would return it to the main function and state that this value is the largest prime number factor.

independent project: advancing TalkToMe

As I mentioned before in the “AboutMe” section a previous project I have created was an application called TalkToMe. TalkToMe is an iOS mobile application that utilizes machine learning technology to help users identify and handle potentially suicidal situations that they or someone they know may be going through. For my independent project, I worked on advancing this application by not just taking in text input, but also creating/utilizing an algorithm that takes in voice input. To the left is the original documentation I created for my project. My project goals have adapted and changed over time, and I will update my work once I’m done finalizing my project!

AppsForGood: Developing GrandCare

For our AppsForGood project my team and I designed a mobile application to aid grandparents in raising grandkids. We partnered with the Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging (CMAA), and worked on developing a platform to provide housing, money, health services, and more to grandparents here in Massachusetts. The target audience of our application was grandparents with custody or a responsibility to take of their grandchildren In our MVP, the user is able to learn more about the services provided the CMAA, schedule an appointment with a counselor, and request services.


Grandparents raising grandkids do not have access to nor are aware of existing services to aid in multiple aspects of their situation (health, money, housing, etc).


GrandCare is a mobile application our team developed using Flutter that aids grandparents in raising grandkids. Through GrandCare, grandparents are directly connected to counselors and services connected to the CMAA.



