Computer Science

Computer Science is taught by Mrs. Taricco. In this class we learn the fundamentals of HTML as well as Java that aligns with the AP Computer Science A exam. We do various problems that challenge our use of the resources we have, as well to improve our proficiency with the language. Throughout the year new parts of the coding language allow for more and more complex problems.

Line Art

In this assignment we were tasked with creating an image with each corner having a series of lines that resemble a curve together. After, for additional credit, we could create further duplications of this image inside the first outer image, perfectly fit inside each other. In addition to the assignment detailed, I modified the code to draw the line to be composed of random colors. Then with some coding assistance from a fellow student, Jacob Jiang, I made the code update periodically to create a flashing impression of random colors.

Rock Paper Scissors

In this code we were tasked with creating a game of rock paper scissors. This project was coded with a fellow student, Matthew Smith. First we took the input of the user's move, accounting for spelling errors by only taking in the first letter of the input. Next we used the random class to generate a move for the computer. Based on these, who won was determined and printed.

Apps For Good

The development of neurological disorders, especially in the elderly, has been shown to progress at a slower rate when skill-training games are included in an individual’s schedule. However, doing this becomes difficult when the materials, availability, and incentives for each game vary. To solve this problem an app was constructed. It included access to many games that will train the user in various skills, recorded the skills that the user has trained, make suggestions for future games, and contained encouraging messages and photos as a form of motivation. Additionally, there was a focus on the simplicity of the app, so that it was as easy as possible to use for a general audience. After the app development, feedback will be received from target audience testers, and future additions can be considered and included.