Computer Science

Taught by Ms. Taricco, Computer Science teaches us HTML, CSS, app development, and problem solving. This course follows the AP Computer Science A curriculum and requires no prior experience! As we become more comfortable with programming languages we are presented with problems of increasing complexity.


Many of our CS assignments come in the form of labs where we work on a specific set of skills. For this assignment, we used for loops alongside the Java Applet to create a drawing. The curves you see are just an illusion–everything here is made of lines! View my code here!

A picture of what my LineArtGraphics code outputs.


Stars is another program which utilizes the Java Applet, though we had to work with static arrays rather than for loops. For this assignment, we had to create ten stars of random sizes in random locations. Each time you run the code, a new figuration of stars will appear! View my code here!

An example of what my Stars code outputs.