Physics is taught by Mrs. Chase, one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. Naturally, the class is by far the most difficult class in the world, and I would say galaxy, but the schools on mars have yet to return my calls. Throughout the course we are essentially following the AP physics C mech curriculum with a whole bunch of E/M material sprinkled in at the end. For every bit difficult, it's twice as rewarding, and is a cornerstone of both all-nighters and junior year as a whole.

This incredibly detailed and neat work is my rocket problem solution. Everyone was given their own rocket, with its own launch angle, acceleration, and time in the air and from that we had to determine its final position. It was an incredibly fun problem and allowed for a new level of understanding kinematics.

This is another problem solution write up, this time done with Ila and Ashwin. The goal of this was to determine the optimal angle for a ramp to ensure a falling block would go as far as possible. Our solution was a lot of work but we came to a pretty cool solution at the end.