Welcome to Physics

Physics is a class taught by Mrs. Chase, and is somewhat based on the curriculum of AP Physics: Mechanics C. However, the Physics course often delves deeper into harder concepts and we do many different application problems that go beyond just the AP curriculum. Physics involves several different units and largely builds off of itself, some of the units and topics we have covered so far include: Kinematics, Dynamics, Work & Energy, and Circular Motion.

Dynamics Lab

While going through our unit on dynamics, which involved analyzing several different forces from inertial frames of references, we worked on a lab with a modified Atwood's machine, and calculated the value of velocity through deriving an equation, and compared it with the experimental results as well.

Physics POW

In small groups, we worked on a Physics Problem of the Week (POW) that combined some kinematics and dynamics, where we had a scenario where a puck was sliding off of an inclined plane, and we needed to calculate where it would land. We were able to calculate this for the specific measurements given in the problem, and then made an Excel spreadsheet to generalize the problem more and determine the optimal angle to send the puck as far as possible.