Welcome to Math Modeling

Math Modeling is a class taught by Mrs. Burns, and it goes over a variety of topics and subject areas. Some topics we have covered so far include number theory, statistics, parametric equations, and some trigonometry as well. In addition to learning about these topics and doing problem sets based on them, we also often work on different problems of the week (POWs) in small groups. The course also includes several different projects based on different types of math modeling, and we participate in multiple math competitions such as: HiMCM, NEML, and MTFC.

Modeling the Future Challenge (MTFC) Project Proposal

The Modeling the Future Challenge is one of the competitions we participate in as a part of the math modeling course. The premise of the challenge is to, with your team, create a mathematical model assessing the risk of loss in a specific scenario based on a dataset. It involves several different stages, the first of which was completing a scenario quest and presenting our project proposal as well. Going forward, we will be conducting background research, collecting several sources of data, and working on our model. The topic of our project is: The Effects of Social Media on Behavior and Attention Span.

Epsilon School Modeling Problem

We have worked on several different math modeling problems in class, and this was one of them. We essentially had to determine how to fairly determine which departments and subjects new teachers should be added to at a school, which we were given a dataset for. Our group used Excel and Julia to come up with a robust model to equalize effort put in for every teacher by adding in weights for different subjects and defining constraints and objectives to solve the problem.