Welcome to French

Advanced French, taught by Madame Wildfong, is based upon immersion in the language while in class, and goes beyond just learning grammar or vocabulary. The class often uses different books, movies, songs, and other forms of French media to learn from and study, and students create a short film for a significant part of the year, which includes storyboarding, recording, and editing.

Conte de Fee

Le conte de fee, or "fairytale", was an assignment where we wrote a short folktale or fairytale that included the passe composé (past tense) and imparfait (imperfect) tenses. I wrote mine about a short adventure that the main character goes on, eventually defeating the witch in the story.

Azur et Asmar Journale

The Journale de Azur et Asmar is essentially a journal entry that we created based off of our knowledge of characters from a movie we watched called Azur et Asmar. The movie is an animation fairytale that involves several different royal characters and a somewhat complicated plot. I wrote my journal entry on the princess Chamsous-Sabbah.