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All language classes are taught by Señora Wildfong. As someone in Advanced Spanish, the class is completely in Spanish. We communicate with each other and work on all projects entirely in Spanish. In this class, we read books, watch movies, write essays, and most of all, focus on improvement.

Childhood Story Essay

One of the things we do in Spanish to practice our writing skills is writing essays. This was one of our first assignments and the goal of this assignment was to write an essay, in Spanish, about a childhood memory we had. For this assignment, I chose to write about my sister and the experiences I had with her when she was younger.
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Vocabulary Journal- B Term

In Spanish class, we have two term-based assignments for every term: A Listening Log and a Vocab Journal. The Vocab Journal is a list of 120 or more words that we’ve learned throughout the term. We must write both the word and the definition of the word, in Spanish. The goal of this is to allow us to develop our vocabulary in Spanish and increase our overall Spanish knowledge.
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