Computer Science is a course taught by Ms. Taricco, in which we learn a variety of languages, such as HTML and CSS. However, the main focus of the class is Java. In this class, we are exposed to a variety of concepts which we then apply to solving a wide range of challenges.
Line Art was a challenge problem that was part of our Graphics unit. In this problem, we utilized both our knowledge of loop-control structures and graphics. I found this problem interesting because even though the lines seemed curved, they were actually all straight lines! Coding this was quite satisfying.
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The goal of this program was to practice 1-dimesional arrays and manipulating the elements inside of them. The Sieve of Eratosthenes is an algorithm that computers all the prime numbers up to a value of ānā without using any division. The algorithm works by checking all the multiples of prime numbers below the square root of n and marking them all as not prime. The remaining numbers are known to be prime.
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