My absolute favorite thing to do is travel. I don’t recommend having this as a hobby because it’s obviously super expensive, but I love traveling. Every place is different, so just getting to experience it all and see new sights makes me really happy. I’ve traveled a lot both in and out of the country and as of right now, my top two favorite places have to be Disney and Québec.
Along with traveling, I love photography. For my birthday a few years ago, I got a DSLR camera and ever since then, I’ve taken so many photos of many different places. Photography is such an amazing way to capture the beauty of the moments and record memories. My three most favorite things to take pictures of are scenery, historic/cool buildings, and sunsets. I love taking pictures of animals too! Whenever we travel, I always bring my camera with me, and you can see the strap of the camera around my neck in a lot of pictures! You can click over to my photography page to see more of my work.
Karate is something I’ve done for a really long time. Before we moved to where we live now, I got up to orange belt, but then had to quit. However, when we moved here, I started karate again and it’s something I really enjoy. I even got my black belt this year and that was honestly a pretty big achievement. Earning my black belt really showed all the years I’ve put into karate and if I’m being honest, being able to say I’m a black belt is pretty cool.
I’ve been doing community service for a few years now, even before coming to MAMS. My two favorite places of volunteering though are definitely Sturdy Memorial Hospital and the YMCA . At Sturdy, I volunteered as a Lab Tech, and honestly, just being around the machines was super cool. At the YMCA, I volunteered at the garden during the summer camp and it was super interesting interacting with the little kids, although it definitely required a lot of patience.