Computer Science!

WELCOME to CS, AKA the "birthplace" of this website! This course is taught by Mrs. Taricco! In Computer Science, we learn about some of the Principles and Applications (see what I did there?) of Java, as well as learning how to make and style our website through HTML and CSS! Whether you've never touched an IDE in your life or you're planning to be a CS major, there's something in store for you at MAMS Computer Science!

AWTGraphics Lab! (The Before...)

In CS, we do a few "Labs" where we are posed some interesting coding challenges and find different ways to implement them. In this lab, we were asked to use the AWTGraphics class (Java 8) to draw some cool little lines. This was our first time using the AWTGraphics class, so while it may not look insanely hard to make, it was certainly a lot of trial and error!

Random Stars! (... And After!)

Here, you can see some cool stars of all different colors, shapes, and sizes! Cool, right?! Okay, well... I'll admit that it's not very difficult to draw... except for the fact, that actually, a computer program drew it and that you can actually infinitely generate random stars of colors, shapes, and sizes in random areas. How did I do it? Well, a magician never reveals his secrets...