BIENVENUE! Maintenant, vous êtes sur la page de Français. Dans cette classe, nous --- wait. I just realized that there is a good chance that you don't know French. In which case... WELCOME! Now, you are on the French page! In this class, we immerse ourselves in the culture and literature of France! From having an entire class period dedicated to trying out different dishes from French-speaking countries (which we made ourselves!) to making our own film in French, Mme. Wildfong's French class is both a fun and educational experience!
One of the coolest things we have done so far in French class is test out the cuisine
in French-speaking countries! Before we can get to the eating part, however, we have to make the dishes
ourselves! This was super fun and a nice break from your standard homework assignment.
You can see a
presentation I made (in French, of course) about how to not only make the dish, but some things that I
would change in the future were I to make the dish again.
Plus, there are some great pictures of me
When learning a new language, even if you think you can speak it very well, it is quite challenging
to not only learn all of the slang used by native speakers, but also be able to understand these native
speakers actually speak. Therefore, we make it a point to practice our French Listening with our Listening
logs. Every term, we have to listen to at least 10 pieces of French media (with at least 2 songs, but if you
ask me, the songs are the best ones), and then write some of our thoughts about the piece. Not only have I been
able to learn some more about the French language as it is spoken by native speakers through these songs, but I
have also been able to find some absolute bangers for my playlist!