Mathematical Modeling is taught by Mr. Regele. In this class, we work collaboratively on a variety of math problems that model real world-problems, and learn to present our findings both individually and as a group. We learn from each other as a class, and help each other understand how the problems work.
One of the math competitions that MAMS competes in is HiMCM (High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling), which is completed over a consecutive 36 hour time-frame. Students work in groups of three-four. I worked with Liv Blanchette, Hazelyn Aroian, and Maria Dariotis. We chose Problem B, which concerned the usage of plastic water bottles, and the possible impacts and applications of a plastic water bottle ban in towns, cities, and airports. In order to address this problem, we came up with a system of inequalities, that, when true, prove that the ban is worth applying in that particular situation. Each inequality addressed concerns such as economic, environmental, and health factors.
In Math Modeling, we learn to use a program called Mathematica in order to solve problems. One of the labs we did in particular was a problem that modeled radioactive contamination in the town of Hanford, Washington. We had to create a table and a graph of the initial data. Then, we had to create a line of best fit using several different methods, including a two-point line, a median-median line, and a sum of least squares line. After calculating the residuals for these lines, we had to determine which was the best method of calculating a line of best fit.