Intermediate Spanish



Hola! Me llamo Lydia. Soy una estudiante de la clase intermedia de español de MAMS. Esta clase es muy divertido. Nosotros leemos libros, jugamos juegos, y escribimos ensayos. Nuestra maestra, Señora Wildfong, es muy simpatica. ¡Mira a las otras partes de mi sitio y que tenga un buen día!


Spanish is taught by Sra. Wildfong. In this class, we learn Spanish in an immersion environment - something which made me nervous coming into the year but has proved to be quite fun. From the moment we step into the classroom until the moment we leave, we are not allowed to speak English. However, this challenges us to step out of our comfort zones, and we learn a lot by figuring out how to say what we want to say in Spanish. We have a really fun curriculum. Some things we have done include playing games, reading short books, and listening to music. My favorite days in Spanish are days when we get to watch movies. First, we watched Coco (en español!) to learn about Día de Los Muertos. At the time of writing, we had just finished up a movie called La Misma Luna (The Same Moon), which was an emotional story about a boy on a journey to be reunited with his mom.


Competencia de Memes (Meme Competition)

At the start of B term, the whole school had a competition to make memes. The challenge was that we had to compose them in our target languages, so for me, all of my memes had to be in Spanish. This was quite possibly some of the most fun I've had on homework. Click here to view the memes I came up with. For those who are not familiar with Spanish and/or MAMS culture, fear not, as I've summarized them below.

The first meme is making fun of our tendency to keep speaking Spanish for a few minutes after language class ends, which is amusing because often our next teacher doesn't understand Spanish. The second meme is about how tired everyone is after getting home from school. The third meme is about Walden's habit of taking over summer vacation. The fourth meme is about the five hours of STEM we are required to do per week and how early on, there was a tendency to leave them to the last minute, resulting in many Sundays where everyone was up late. The fifth meme is making fun of how we tend to talk more than Ms. Small would like when we're working on essays during Humanities class.

Mi Rutina Diaria (Daily Routine Essay)

Our second essay of the year! We wrote this essay to practice using reflexive verbs. Reflexive verbs are things you do to yourself, like getting up, showering, or brushing your teeth. The assignment was to write an essay using reflexive verbs about a day in your life at MAMS and at home. You can find the essay here.