Computer Science


Computer Science is taught by Mrs. Taricco. This class incorporates a variety of CS topics, including website design, object oriented programming, and app design. We started off the year by creating our own personal websites with HTML, CSS, and (optionally) JavaScript. In fact, you can see the results of this project right now by continuing to look around the website you are currently on! Because MAMS students have a wide variety of CS experience, the class then splits into tracks - most people will then learn about object oriented programming and the Java language with a curriculum roughly aligned to AP Computer Science A. However, students with enough prior programming experience instead use class time to work on independent projects, furthering their knowledge in an area of CS they are interested in. Since I've already taken AP CS A, I am in this group. You can see a description of my project below! We also participate in the ACSL competition and will soon begin our Apps for Good project.


Advanced Programs

Towards the end of A term, I worked through a series of ten programming problems before starting my advanced project during B term. The two I have displayed here challenged me to compute the least common multiple of the numbers from 1 to a number, the sum of the squares between 1 and a number, and the square of the sum of the numbers from 1 to a number. The solution I coded can be found here.

Advanced Project

I am a member of Scouts BSA (click here for a description of that!) and I'm always trying to find ways to improve the experience for Scouts in my troop. One problem that is widespread among Scouts is the struggle with time management. To earn the highest rank possible, Eagle Scout, Scouts are challenged to work through a variety of skill-based and leadership requirements as well as a series of 21 "merit badges" which go in-depth on individual topics. However, only around 5% of members earn this rank - in part because it can be a struggle to finish time-based requirements before their 18th birthday. My app, which I have been coding using Dart with the Flutter framework, is designed to help remedy this problem by creating a schedule of requirements that the user should finish by specific dates. It is still in progress, but you can find some concept screenshots from the setup portion of the app here.