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Isolate Topic:
Assem Number Presenter Topic Type Room
V&R 1.0 Deva Beck and Jeremy Wright Renaissance 2 -- Flowering of the Human Spirit workshop Spr
IR/S 1.1 Andrew D. Zimmerman A Role-Playing Primer for TechnoCitizens workshop VT
T&E 1.2 John Judkins Integrating the Sciences Using Forensic Science Workshop MA
E 1.41 Susan Burns and Bill Peruzzi Just Think: Problem Solving Through Inquiry Workshop NY
E 1.42 J. Daly,J. Alderson,B. Wilkie,P. H't'g The Energy Debates as Social context for M.S. Sci. panel ME
E 1.5 B. Werner, J. Amara, and P. Weathers Biomass: Biotech Integrated Across Gr. 9-14 panel Cam
E 1.61 Patrick DeSantis and Ann Marie Liseno Using Attribute Blocks to Integrate Math and Science workshop NH
E 1.62 Liat Ben-David and Ruth Novik STS in Elementary Schools in Israel workshop CT
E 1.7 W. Grogan, H. Hakim, and D. Woods The Flexibility of WPI's Interactive Qualifying Project panel Wor
E 1.8 Ken Edwards and Paul Livingston Corporate Networks - Learning Leadership Teams workshop Board
E 1.91 Catherine Stephenson Saturday School -- It's Cool! workshop Bos
V&R 2.0 Don Conroy and Rodney Peterson Science and Religion in Creation as Beloved of God roundtable Spr
IR/S 2.1 Andrew D. Zimmerman A Role-Playing Primer for TechnoCitizens workshop VT
T&E 2.2 John Judkins Integrating the Sciences Using Forensic Science workshop MA
E 2.41 John L. Roeder Energy: How Does it Impact Our Lives workshop RI
E 2.42 Ken Kozberg Project Aries: A year of exploration workshop ME
E 2.51 B. Werner, M. Bladon, and J. Klein Biotechnology Ed: An Interdisciplinary Team Approach roundtable Cam
E 2.52 Sandar K. Enger Bioethical Issues: Case Study Approach workshop Bos
E 2.61 Patrick DeSantis and Ann Marie Liseno Using Attribute Blocks to Integrate Math and Science workshop NH
E 2.62 J. Alderson, M. Salvati, D. Loughlin Introducing the Worcester 5th-7th Grade STS Modules panel CT
E 2.7 J. Wilkes, L. Schachterle, & C. Weiss College-School Collaboratives panel Wor
E 2.9 Bonnie Kaiser STS: the Search for Talented Students paper NY
E 2.9 Randy Mitchelson STEM: Promoting Sci., Tech. and Math Education paper NY
V&R 3.0 Rodney Peterson Religion, Values, and Justice panel Spr
IR/S 3.1 L.Agbemabiese C.Bitzer K-J.Boo Perspectives on the Challenge of Sustainable Develop. panel Bos
T&E 3.2 Ahmad Zargari, Charles Coddington Technology Education: A Course of Study for All workshop MA
E 3.41 Sylvia Ware and Ann Benbow The ChemCom Family of Curricula, grades 5-14 panel RI
E 3.42 Art Hobson SETI & Pseudoscience: STS Topics for General Courses roundtable ME
E 3.51 Phillip Sokolove and Susan Blunck Daring to Do It: STS Honors Biology workshop NY
E 3.52 James Amara and Rod Midgett Biotech Academy: What is it? roundtable Cam
E 3.6 C. McCrochon, P. Jacobs, and M. Reddy Scientific Learning Communities in Second Grade panel CT
E 3.7 Judy Miller and John Wilkes The Case for Diversity in Student Project Groups panel sect Wor
E 3.7 M. McNall, J. Rogers, and S. Barrett The Case for Homogeneous Groupings panel sect Wor
E 3.8 Jung-Il Cho and Do-Yong Park Model of Overseas Science Inservice Program paper VT
E 3.8 J-I Cho, M-K Shin and D-Y Park Current STS Efforts in Korea paper VT
E 3.9 D. Daley, R. Pereira, and M. Jergensen Music as the Social Context for STS panel NH
V&R 4.0 Deva Beck and Jeremy Wright Wealth and Wellness -- Report on UN Habitat Conference panel Spr
IR/S 4.11 Uri Zoller Changes in Students' HOCS Profiles paper Bos
IR/S 4.11 Sally Wyatt Teaching STS Cross-Culturally paper Bos
IR/S 4.12 Wilkes, Kodys, Riley, Caprio World Space Agency "Mindsets" panel Wor
T&E 4.2 Jerry Steichler and James DeLaura Getting Published in the Journal of Technology Studies panel MA
E 4.4 Eisenkraft, Decker, Jakobson, Wat'rm'n Using STS to Teach Physics to a New Audience panel RI
E 4.5 Peter Veronesi Biology: A Comm. Context-Rubrics, Reality, & Research workshop Cam
E 4.61 Lance Schachterle and Mary Ann Toll College Students Teach Science to Urban Third Graders panel CT
E 4.62 Joan S. Pundt The Activty Turned Out Right workshop ME
E 4.8 Rebecca and Leigh Monhardt Classrooms Without Boundaries: STS and the WWW paper NY
E 4.8 K.A. Baker, G. Varrella, S. Hoegh Utilizing Internet to Aid Sci. Tchng. & Collect Data paper NY
E 4.91 D. Daley, R. Pereira, and M. Jergensen Integrating Science and Music roundtable NH
E 4.92 Arnold Pulda, Helen Poirier, Al Costa STS Role Playing Games panel VT
V&R 5.0 Don Conroy Three New Programs from NACRE workshop Ful320
IR/S 5.1 Jesse S. Tatum Home Power: Participation Before Decision Making paper AK219
IR/S 5.1 Andrew D. Zimmerman Energy Conservation as Technological Citizenship paper AK219
T&E 5.2 Don Foster, et al. A new product, process and work env't at Polaroid workshop Sal123
PP 5.3 Shawn Reed Would an Inherently-Safe Nuclear Reactor Design Matter? paper AK116
PP 5.3 Marni Hall Policies Which Force Technological Innovation paper AK116
E 5.4 H. Thier, B. Nagle, and M. Thier Evidence and Tradeoffs from Grade 4 to 12 workshop AK233
E 5.5 Hector Flores Seeds of Change: Rethinking Bio Literacy paper Sal11
E 5.5 Peter Veronesi "I'm Really Doing the Best I Can!":One Bio Tchr's Story paper Sal11
E 5.5 J. Roberts, C. Atkins, & C. Delsignore Tans Aren't So Healthy Anymore paper Sal11
E 5.61 Ben-David, Levinger-Dressler, Novik Towards Healthy Education Literacy workshop Sal104
E 5.62 Joan S. Pundt Let's Have a Science Fun Day workshop Sal105
E 5.7 John Wilkes Which Students Like STS-based Science Best? panel AK232
E 5.8 Pradeep Maxwell Dass Professional Development of Science Teachers roundtable Sal200
E 5.91 Linda Delamere, Maureen McCullough Complex Instruction: Awareness Workshop workshop Ful311
E 5.92 Patrick N. Foster Cautions on Integrating Sci. & Tech. K-6 paper Ful248
E 5.92 Katz, Elliot, Coppola, K'man, Jackson Greening the Engineering Curriculum paper Ful248
E 5.92 Hyewon Kim Effects of Animated Graphics of Plate Tectonics paper Ful248
E 5.93 Sandra K. Enger Assessing Student Understanding with Concept Maps workshop Sal121
E 5.94 Linda Honan Partnership to Enrich a Medieval Technology STS Unit workshop Str202
E 5.95 Marjorie R. Farr and Janet G. Allen Point of View workshop Str308
E 5.96 Elizabeth Murphy Discover Your Best Skills by Helping Students workshop Sal125
V&R 6.01 Deva Beck Healthy People - Healthy Cities Panel AK116
V&R 6.02 Robinson Lilienthal An STS Reply to the Unabomber paper Ful248
IR/S 6.1 Stephen H. Cutcliffe History of Earthquake Resistant Bldg. Design Codes paper AK219
IR/S 6.1 Chris Eldridge American & British Cooperation on Radar in WWII paper AK219
T&E 6.2 Kimberly Heath Cognitive Profiles of Contributors to New Product Line workshop Sal123
E 6.4 H. Thier, B. Nagle, and M. Thier Evidence and Tradeoffs from Grades 4 to 12 workshop AK233
E 6.51 Jenith Murphy A Rhetorical Analysis of Failure in Science Writing workshop Sal11
E 6.52 T. Lupien and D. Feuerstein Reacction to "Alien Biology" at Doherty High paper Sal104
E 6.52 Pamela Kelly STS for AP Biology? paper Sal104
E 6.6 Bernicce Hauser How Do I Reach You, Let Me Share the Ways workshop Sal105
E 6.71 Doerschler, Wilkes, Marquis, Caradonio Can Learning Styles Feedback Lead to Systemic Reform? panel AK232
E 6.72 Carla Guenther and Heather Miller The STS Project Off Campus roundtable Str202
E 6.8 Betsy Ann Balzano Model for Infusing Math,Sci.,& Tech. Instr. in El. Sch. roundtable Sal200
E 6.91 Linda Delamere, Maureen McCullough Complex Instruction: Awareness Workshop workshop Ful311
E 6.92 J. Schellenberg, J. Elias, K. Neyhart The Pennsylvania STS Symposia panel Sal121
E 6.93 Thomas G. and Carole A. O'Brien Preparing a Student Survival Kit workshop Ful320
E 6.94 Dolores Root A Museum's Evolution Using Information Technologies workshop Sal125
E 6.95 Marjorie R. Farr and Janet G. Allen Point of View workshop Str308
V&R 7.0 Eric Katz and Roger Gottlieb Environmental Destruction and the Holocaust panel Ful320
IR/S 7.11 B. Aldrich, T. Cronin, C. McNamara How College Environment Affects Students panel sect Sal123
IR/S 7.11 J. Taoultsides, J. Wilkes, Blong Yang How Close is too Close? panel sect Sal123
IR/S 7.12 J. Fleming, S. Kaplan, and S. DiLella Captain Kirk Meets the Bomb panel Sal11
T&E 7.2 G.Gordon, G.S'Dhri, J.Bush, P.Riz'va Managing Creativity and Education for Innovation panel Ful248
PP 7.3 Rustum Roy The End of Science and its Treatment in K-12 roundtable Str202
E 7.41 Carol Wilson Effective, Energized Education -- STS at its Best Workshop Sal104
E 7.42 Michael J. Passow How Level is Sea Level workshop Sal105
E 7.43 Larry Weathers Using STELLA Systems Dynamics Simulation Modeling workshop Str308
E 7.5 Phillip Sokolove and Susan Blunck Active Learning and Action Research in Undergrad Bio workshop AK233
E 7.6 Marion Guerra GIS in Urban Ecology workshop AK219
E 7.71 Leslie Valentine Organizing a Coop. Learning Class Using Psych. Type panel Sal125
E 7.72 E. Murphy, M. Pillion, K. Olsen Measurment of Cog and Lng Styles Among the Young panel AK116
E 7.8 LeBlanc, Horman, Toppan, Gaboriault Is Info Literacy More Important Than Computer Literacy? panel sect Ful311
E 7.8 G. Elliot, E. Malinovski, and H. Booth What 4th Graders Should Know about Computers & E-mail panel aect Ful311
E 7.91 Peter Veronesi and John W. Tillotson Meeting the Standards: What's a Teacher To Do? workshop Sal121
E 7.92 David Kumar and Penelope Fritzer What Do You Think? paper AK232
E 7.92 Jon Pedersen Critical Autobiography: Examining Domain Assumptions paper AK232
E 7.93 Michael Robinson and Ellen Ebert Alive and Well 7 Years: The Nevada Science Project workshop Sal200
V&R 8.0 Richard A. Deitrich Process STS: How STS Enhanes Learning & Teaching turorial Sal104
IR/S 8.1 Paul Durbin Contrasting Perspectives: Phil. & Soc. of Sci. & Tech. paper Sal11
IR/S 8.1 Jesse S. Tatum STS: Probs. in the Institutionalization of Revolution paper Sal11
T&E 8.21 Ron Westrum Dynamics of a creative Naval Laboratory workshop Sal200
T&E 8.22 Angus Mesick, Jeremy Dowdall Challenger: An Accident Waiting to Happen workshop AK116
T&E 8.23 Brian Starr STS Background and Success in Marketing workshop AK232
E 8.5 Susan Blunk and Phillip Sokolove High-Tech Aid for Enhancing Student Discourse workshop AK233
E 8.71 D. Atkinson, S. McDonough, K. Turi Predictive Power of the SAT roundtable Sal105
E 8.72 Mary McCaulley, Maureen Moorhouse Orientation to the MBTI workshop Sal123
E 8.73 John Wilkes The Gordon-Mednick Cognitive Style Measure workshop Ful320
E 8.74 Robert Voss and Blanche Pringle The SAT Debate at WPI roundtable Ful311
E 8.8 Ravinder Koul Investigating an Interdisciplinary Case Study roundtable Sal121
E 8.9 Emily Rose and Mary Garniewicz Introducing STEP workshop AK219