MBTI-Related Sessions

Assem Number Presenter Topic Type Room
E 3.41 Sylvia Ware and Ann Benbow The ChemCom Family of Curricula, grades 5-14 panel RI
E 3.7 Judy Miller and John Wilkes The Case for Diversity in Student Project Groups panel sect Wor
E 3.7 M. McNall, J. Rogers, and S. Barrett The Case for Homogeneous Groupings panel sect Wor
T&E 6.2 Kimberly Heath Cognitive Profiles of Contributors to New Product Line workshop Sal123
E 6.52 T. Lupien and D. Feuerstein Reacction to "Alien Biology" at Doherty High paper Sal104
E 6.52 Pamela Kelly STS for AP Biology? paper Sal104
E 6.71 Doerschler, Wilkes, Marquis, Caradonio Can Learning Styles Feedback Lead to Systemic Reform? panel AK232
T&E 7.2 G.Gordon, G.S'Dhri, J.Bush, P.Riz'va Managing Creativity and Education for Innovation panel Ful248
E 7.72 E. Murphy, M. Pillion, K. Olsen Measurment of Cog and Lng Styles Among the Young panel AK116
E 8.71 D. Atkinson, S. McDonough, K. Turi Predictive Power of the SAT roundtable Sal105
E 8.72 Mary McCaulley, Maureen Moorhouse Orientation to the MBTI workshop Sal123