WPI Participant Lectures

Assem Number Presenter Topic Type Room
E 1.42 J. Daly,J. Alderson,B. Wilkie,P. H't'g The Energy Debates as Social context for M.S. Sci. panel ME
E 1.5 B. Werner, J. Amara, and P. Weathers Biomass: Biotech Integrated Across Gr. 9-14 panel Cam
E 1.7 W. Grogan, H. Hakim, and D. Woods The Flexibility of WPI's Interactive Qualifying Project panel Wor
E 2.62 J. Alderson, M. Salvati, D. Loughlin Introducing the Worcester 5th-7th Grade STS Modules panel CT
E 2.7 J. Wilkes, L. Schachterle, & C. Weiss College-School Collaboratives panel Wor
E 3.7 Judy Miller and John Wilkes The Case for Diversity in Student Project Groups panel sect Wor
E 3.7 M. McNall, J. Rogers, and S. Barrett The Case for Homogeneous Groupings panel sect Wor
IR/S 4.12 Wilkes, Kodys, Riley, Caprio World Space Agency "Mindsets" panel Wor
E 4.4 Eisenkraft, Decker, Jakobson, Wat'rm'n Using STS to Teach Physics to a New Audience panel RI
E 4.61 Lance Schachterle and Mary Ann Toll College Students Teach Science to Urban Third Graders panel CT
E 4.8 K.A. Baker, G. Varrella, S. Hoegh Utilizing Internet to Aid Sci. Tchng. & Collect Data paper NY
E 4.91 D. Daley, R. Pereira, and M. Jergensen Integrating Science and Music roundtable NH
E 4.92 Arnold Pulda, Helen Poirier, Al Costa STS Role Playing Games panel VT
PP 5.3 Shawn Reed Would an Inherently-Safe Nuclear Reactor Design Matter? paper AK116
PP 5.3 Marni Hall Policies Which Force Technological Innovation paper AK116
E 5.5 J. Roberts, C. Atkins, & C. Delsignore Tans Aren't So Healthy Anymore paper Sal11
E 5.7 John Wilkes Which Students Like STS-based Science Best? panel AK232
T&E 6.2 Kimberly Heath Cognitive Profiles of Contributors to New Product Line workshop Sal123
E 6.51 Jenith Murphy A Rhetorical Analysis of Failure in Science Writing workshop Sal11
E 6.52 T. Lupien and D. Feuerstein Reacction to "Alien Biology" at Doherty High paper Sal104
E 6.52 Pamela Kelly STS for AP Biology? paper Sal104
E 6.71 Doerschler, Wilkes, Marquis, Caradonio Can Learning Styles Feedback Lead to Systemic Reform? panel AK232
E 6.72 Carla Guenther and Heather Miller The STS Project Off Campus roundtable Str202
V&R 7.0 Eric Katz and Roger Gottlieb Environmental Destruction and the Holocaust panel Ful320
IR/S 7.11 B. Aldrich, T. Cronin, C. McNamara How College Environment Affects Students panel sect Sal123
IR/S 7.11 J. Taoultsides, J. Wilkes, Blong Yang How Close is too Close? panel sect Sal123
E 7.71 Leslie Valentine Organizing a Coop. Learning Class Using Psych. Type panel Sal125
E 7.72 E. Murphy, M. Pillion, K. Olsen Measurment of Cog and Lng Styles Among the Young panel AK116
E 7.8 LeBlanc, Horman, Toppan, Gaboriault Is Info Literacy More Important Than Computer Literacy? panel sect Ful311
E 7.8 G. Elliot, E. Malinovski, and H. Booth What 4th Graders Should Know about Computers & E-mail panel aect Ful311
T&E 8.22 Angus Mesick, Jeremy Dowdall Challenger: An Accident Waiting to Happen workshop AK116
E 8.71 D. Atkinson, S. McDonough, K. Turi Predictive Power of the SAT roundtable Sal105
E 8.73 John Wilkes The Gordon-Mednick Cognitive Style Measure workshop Ful320
E 8.74 Robert Voss and Blanche Pringle The SAT Debate at WPI roundtable Ful311