Values & Religion Sessions

Assem Number Presenter Topic Type Room
V&R 1.0 Deva Beck and Jeremy Wright Renaissance 2 -- Flowering of the Human Spirit workshop Spr
V&R 2.0 Don Conroy and Rodney Peterson Science and Religion in Creation as Beloved of God roundtable Spr
V&R 3.0 Rodney Peterson Religion, Values, and Justice panel Spr
V&R 4.0 Deva Beck and Jeremy Wright Wealth and Wellness -- Report on UN Habitat Conference panel Spr
V&R 5.0 Don Conroy Three New Programs from NACRE workshop Ful320
V&R 6.01 Deva Beck Healthy People - Healthy Cities Panel AK116
V&R 6.02 Robinson Lilienthal An STS Reply to the Unabomber paper Ful248
V&R 7.0 Eric Katz and Roger Gottlieb Environmental Destruction and the Holocaust panel Ful320
V&R 8.0 Richard A. Deitrich Process STS: How STS Enhanes Learning & Teaching turorial Sal104