
This course closely follows the AP Physics curriculum as students learn how to use algebra-based and calculus-based strategies to solve problems. This class has allowed me to be able to make observations about our physical world using the knowledge I learn from this class.

Dynamics Lab

In our second physics unit, we were given the challenge of designing our own physics lab to investigate something we wanted to know about the dynamic concepts we learned. My group wanted to investigate the relationship between the mass and friction of an object.

Physics POW 1: Ramp-Projectile Optimization

This problem uses concepts of kinematics and dynamics to find how far a mass will land from a cliff. My group looked at the problem in two parts. The first part looked at the dynamics of the mass going down the cliff. Then we were able to find the distance the mass landed from the cliff after finding the final velocity from the first part by using kinematics. After finding our solution, we wrote a write-up describing the problem, our process, final answer, and extensions to make the problem more challenging.