Hi, my name is Jianna Bixho! I am a junior at the Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science (MAMS) here at WPI. I was born in Worcester and moved to Holden which is where I currently live. My sending school is Notre Dame Academy in Worcester. I live with my mother, father, brother, and two cats!
My favorite areas of STEM are in biomedical engineering and molecular biology. My interest in biomedical engineering first sparked when I was exposed to an event called Day of STEM at WPI in sixth grade. This event introduced me to STEM and some WPI students showed a laparoscopic camera they designed for surgeries. This inspired me at a young age to become a biomedical engineer! My interest in molecular biology is actually one of my newer interests in STEM. Since my ninth grade biology class, I've been interested in the activity of cells, proteins, and the interactions they have with eachother. This interest is carried out in my Independent Research Project that you can learn more about under the STEM I tab!
One of my favorite hobbies is crocheting! I learned how to crochet during the summer of my sophomore year. After learning to crochet, I wanted to teach others how so I started giving crochet classes to little kids. I was even given the opportunity to share my classes with the others in The Landmark newspaper. Here's the link! Alongside this, I was a vendor at the Worcester State Veggie Fest last summer.
Another of my interests is swimming! I’ve been swimming on Greenwoods swim team for four years. We practice every day at WPI’s pool. My main stroke is freestyle which is one of my favorite strokes along with backstroke. This is a picture of a swim meet my team went to at MIT. Click here to learn more about us!