
This course explores the essence of what it means to be human by examining how we express ourselves and how society shapes our experiences. So far, we have analyzed the influence of the education system on humanity and delved into the art of satire as a powerful tool for self-expression and social commentary.

Walden Journal

Over the summer, we were assigned to read Walden by Henry David Thoreau and reflect on each chapter. This is my Walden Journal, where I shared my thoughts and emotions while engaging with the text.

Satire Essay

After learning about the different components of satire and how it worked, we were asked to write an essay about a satirical piece we found interesting and analyze it. For me, I chose to look at the satirical piece “BabyCakes” by Neil Gaiman and compare it to a non-satirical piece that delivers the same message. I wanted to compare the two pieces to see which one was more effective in getting the message across. The message both pieces portrayed were the dangers of animal experimentation but each piece used different types of satirical and rhetorical devices to emphasize the message. View my analysis here!