This class is taught by Dr. Crowthers. In STEM 1, we each start our independent research project. Over the summer, we start brainstorming ideas for potential projects, which continues until the MAMS February fair, where 12 people are selected to go to WRSEF. This class allocates a lot of in-class work time for the project and has taught me a lot about independence. Each term, we have an informal meeting (no grade) and a formal meeting (graded) where we present how our project is going to the STEM Overlord (Dr. C). The second half of STEM is STEM 2. Go check out that page for more details! Below is my independent research project.
This project investigates how different music genres—classical and pop instrumentals—affect the geotaxis behavior of ASD-modeled and wild-type Drosophila. By exposing flies to music and assessing their climbing ability in a vertical assay, the researcher aimed to determine whether music influences motor function and sensory processing in ASD-modeled flies. Statistical analysis, including Chi-Square and ANOVA tests, revealed significance in ASD-male Drosophila, suggesting a potential sex-dependent response to music exposure. This study contributes to the growing research on the effects of auditory stimuli in neurodevelopmental conditions and may provide insights into optimizing music therapy interventions for individuals with autism.
Graphical Abstract
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects the behaviors, communications, and social abilities of millions of people globally. Recently, music therapy has become a non-invasive treatment for individuals with ASD; however, music therapy often uses classical music as the genre of music during therapy sessions, and little is known about the effects of different music genres on ASD-associated behaviors. This study uses Drosophila to investigate the impacts of music genres on both wild-type and ASD-induced Drosophila. The Drosophila homolog of the human FMR1 protein, dFMR1, is a protein that binds RNA. By dropping the dFMR1 protein, it creates Fragile X syndrome (FXS), a common mental retardation. Then, using two standardized Drosophila behavioral assays – locomotion, and geotaxis – wild-type and ASD-modeled Drosophila are exposed to different music genres such as pop, and classical. Both assays showed that ASD-induced Drosophila exhibited greater improvements in response movement, social interactions, and behaviors when exposed to pop music than those exposed to classical music. Ultimately, this research hopes to advance the knowledge of the relationship between music and ASD-like behaviors and address the need for effective interventions for individuals with ASD.
Music therapy for individuals with ASD is predominantly focused on classical music. This lack of diversity in music therapy research fails to address the different needs of individuals with ASD, potentially restricting the therapy's effectiveness. Music has been shown to influence emotional regulation and social interaction, but the specific effects of non-classical music genres on ASD-like behaviors remain unclear.
Background Infographic
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects a wide range of behavioral and communicative abilities in humans; this includes difficulty in communicating and interacting with others, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors that affect the daily lives of autistic individuals. Individuals who are affected by ASD can display varying symptoms ranging in severity. Some common social inability signs of ASD include inconsistent eye contact, unusual tone of voice, inability to adjust to social or verbal cues, and ignoring others (National Institute of Mental Health, 2024). While the cause of ASD remains unknown due to the complex nature of this disorder, this has prompted scientists to explore different therapy approaches to this disorder to try to improve the quality of life for individuals on the ASD spectrum. One form of treatment has been music therapy. Music therapy involves the use of music as a therapeutic intervention to address the behavioral and social symptoms of ASD individuals (Applewhite et al., 2022). Music may be a more accessible way of interacting since a musical message does not have to be conveyed verbally, and therapy could be enacted in any comfortable environment for the ASD individual (Pater et al., 2022). However, current music therapy practices only use classical music as a treatment option for autistic individuals. The lack of diverse genres used in therapy may limit the outcomes of music therapy (Fu et al., 2023). Music has the potential to influence moods, feelings, and thoughts. Different aspects of music genres are also often associated with different emotions. For example, pop music contains the same repetitive melody and is generally played in a major key, which is associated with positivity and happiness (Ahmad & Rana, 2015). However, there are many different factors in a song or piece, and it is difficult to pinpoint the exact factor of how music can affect emotions and behaviors. So, this study uses classical music and pop instrumentals to reduce some variability in music. This project aims to study the behavioral responses Drosophila exhibits when listening to different frequencies of music. The use of different frequency ranges within the same study allows for a clearer understanding of how each genre of music affects autistic individuals. Using behavioral assays such as the locomotion behavioral assay shown to the left (Figure 1), the study records the locomotion responses of Drosophila after listening to the different genres of music. The research could lead to potentially personalized music therapy instead of following the common classical music bias and demonstrate how specific genres of music uniquely impact ASD-induced Drosophila’s behavioral responses. In turn, the results could potentially be generalized to the human population for further research and study. Drosophila was used in this study as it is a model organism that shares genetic similarities to humans. Around 75 percent of human disease is homologous in Drosophila, with homologous genes functioning in synaptogenesis, synaptic plasticity, protein synthesis and degradation, transcription, and lipid homeostasis; Drosophila also has many similar neural pathways as humans (Ueoka et al., 2019, Greenspan, R., 2012). Two types of Drosophila were used, wild-type and ASD-induced Drosophila. The latter lacks the dfmr1 protein. The dmfr1 gene is the homolog gene to the human fmr1 gene and is essential for RNA-binding and translational regulation. Mutations or deletions of the dfmr1 gene in Drosophila result in phenotypes that mimic symptoms of ASD, such as altered social interaction, attention deficits, hyperactivity, and repetitive actions due to the disruption of neural circuit development and synaptic plasticity. Specifically, it causes Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), the most common form of hereditary mental retardation, and the genetic condition commonly cited as the leading heritable cause of autism and mental retardation. Although estimates vary, one in every 2500 to 7000 males and one in 2500 to 11000 females experience FXS (Bartholomay et al., 2019, Wan et al., 2000). Ultimately, utilizing Drosophila as a model organism, this study is manageable and replicable, which could lay the groundwork for future Drosophila research projects.
Procedure Infographic
Assay 1 was a locomotor assay used to measure general activity in adult Drosophila. This assay was modified from Neckameyer & Bhatt (Neckameyer & Bhatt, 2016). A 60 × 15 mm petri dish had a circular piece of paper marked with a 1 cm grid glued on the bottom. Locomotor activity was assessed over a 15-minute period, distinguishing between exploratory activity (first 2 minutes) and basal activity (last 2 minutes) to account for habituation. A count-up timer and video recording were used for manual tracking of movement. Assay 2 assessed geotaxis behavior in Drosophila using a startle-induced negative geotaxis test. This assay was also modified from Neckameyer & Bhatt (Neckameyer & Bhatt, 2016). Flies were transferred into a 23 × 75 mm polystyrene vial marked with a horizontal line 5 cm from the top. After being tapped to the bottom, flies were given 10 seconds to climb above the marked line, demonstrating their geotactic response. This assay was conducted with groups of five or ten flies per vial.
This is the Chi-square Homogeneity test.
This will be a Two way ANOVA.
With images.
With more content.
This will be a post hoc test.
This will be a post hoc test.
A Punit square was made to understand the chances of FXS passing down from the parent generation. It was concluded that males had a 25% chance of getting FXS while females had 75% of getting FXS. The Chi-square test of homogeneity concluded that pop music is significant if the population was male (p = 0.027), but there is not enough evidence to prove significance in females (p = 0.08).
Since partial significance was found for males, it suggests that pop music may have more influence on the geotaxis behavior of ASD-Drosophila males, but not necessarily females compared to the effects of classical music. This could also potentially show that music affects ASD-induced Drosophila based on sex, where males and females do not respond the same way or have higher variability in behavior. Since exposure to pop music for male ASD-induced Drosophila was proved to be significant, there is a potential that this information could be used on human males with ASD.
Feb Poster- PDF Copy has not been put in yet as the second part of data has not been created.