"Only through fire is a strong sword forged"
-Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Caroline Walczak


Despite not having a ton of experience with CS, I find that I’m really enjoying this class. It’s very logic-based, and I’ve been learning a lot faster by doing projects. Through projects we get to work with different methods and tools in Java, Html, and CSS while also practicing logic which can be very satisfying. Our assignments include making this website, various exercises and projects in java, and later in the year making an app with a group.

Federal Tax Rate

The Federal Tax Rate problem was a really good way to familiarize myself with java arithmetic and practicing test cases. We were asked to calculate how much one’s annual federal taxes were based on their yearly income.

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Line Art

The line art assignment was a good practice of visualization. I enjoy exercising the more geometrical part of my brain so imagining how the lines would have to be drawn and in what order was fun.

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