A great leap forward often requires first taking two steps back.
-Obi-Wan Kenobi

Caroline Walczak


Knitting and Crocheting

I have dabbled in both knitting and crocheting before, but I haven’t really committed enough to finish a project. What was nice about joining this club was that it made me commit some time to crocheting each week, rather than allow me to put it off even more. At the moment I am learning how to crochet flowers!

Math Team

I’ve been on Math Team at AMSA since 8th grade, and have now joined Mass Academy’s team. As of my writing this we have yet to participate in math competitions, but when I will it will be funny to compete against AMSA’s team.


So far, during Biotech we have been running tests with different fruit fly variants.


Come back in January for more information on SweNEXT and all my clubs!