Linear Algebra
I Section E01, E'00 |
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5 |
Maple Exercise No 2 DETERMINANTS |
This exercise helps you learn how to compute determinants with Maple. It also helps review some of the basic material of the relevenat course topic.
Just a reminder - any Maple work with linear algebra commands starts with loading of linalg package:
> with(linalg);Maple alllows to find a minor of a matrix. The syntax of the command is clear from the following example showing how to get the expansion of a 4 x 4 matrix A about the entry in the 4th row and 2nd column:
> minor(A,4,2);For finding determinant of a matrix A Maple has a special command:
> det(A);where A is any square matrix.
Maple allows to determine permutation. In order to get all permutations of {1,...,n}, the command permute can be used. However, first you need to load the package combinat; so there should be the following lines: following:
> with(combinat);where n is any positive integer. Maple can also return not all, but a random permutation of {1,2,...,n}. For this purpose, use the command:
> randperm(n);I. Let matrix B be
(i) det(5B) - 125det(B), andExplain your results.
(ii) det(B^-1) - 1/det(B).
II. Let the given system of linear equations is:
-85x - 55y - 37z = -306
-35x + 97y + 50z = 309
-85x - 55y - 37z = 338
Solve the system
(i) by matrix inversion, and
(ii) by Cramer's rule.
III. Find all and one random permutations of {1,2,3,4}. Check that the number of permutations found is thee correct one.
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