An Analytical and Numerical Study of Dynamic Materials
Suzanne L. Weekes &
Konstantin A. Lurie
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester, Massachussetts, 01609
We work in the novel paradigm of
spatio-temporal composites
or dynamic materials.
These are formations assembled from materials which are distributed
on a microscale in space and in time.
This material concept takes into consideration
inertial, elastic, electromagnetic and other material properties that
affect the dynamic behavior of various mechanical, electrical and
environmental systems.
In static or non-smart applications,
the design variables, such as material density and stiffness, yield
force and other structural parameters are position dependent but
invariant in time.
When it comes to dynamic applications, we also need temporal variability
in the material properties in order to adequately match the changing
To this end, in dynamic material design, dynamic materials will take up
the role played by ordinary composites in static material design.
A dynamic disturbance on a scale much greater than
the scale of a spatio-temporal microstructure will perceive this formation
as a new material with its own effective properties.
By allowing spatio-temporal variability in the material constituents,
we can create effects
that are unachievable through purely spatial design.
For example, by appropriately controlling the design
factors of a dynamic composite,
it is possible to selectively screen large domains in space-time from the
invasion of long wave disturbances. One is also able
to eliminate the cut-off frequency phenomenon in electromagnetic waveguides;
and, dynamic materials may also act towards more effective high frequency
power amplification and generation implemented through wave coupling.
Mathematically, the problem is formulated for linear,
equations with spatio-temporally varying senior coefficients.
Both analytic and computational means are applied to the
analysis of the effective properties of dynamic materials generated
by various microstructures in two or three spatial dimensions and time.
Analytically, by applying homogenization, it will be possible to specify
attainable bounds for such parameters related to the binary mixtures of
isotropic dielectrics in the framework of Maxwell's theory.
Computationally, direct numerical simulation of the original equations
will be performed to understand the physics of wave propagation through
heterogeneous media with complex microstructure.
Together, both approaches will lead to the correct formulation and analysis of
optimal material design in space-time in response to a dynamic
Some Related Papers
Numerical Computation of Wave Propagation through Dynamic Materials
Applied Numerical Mathematics 37 (2001) 417-440,
by S. L. Weekes
A Stable Scheme for the Numerical Computation of Long Wave
Propagation in Temporal Laminates
to appear in J. Computational Physics, by S. L. W.
Effective Properties of Smart Elastic Laminates and the Screening
Int. J. Solids Structures (1997)
Vol. 34, No. 13, 1633-1643, by K. A. Lurie (figures missing)
G-closures of Material Sets in Space-Time and
Perspectives of Dynamic Control in the Coefficients of Linear
Hyperbolic Equations
J. of Control and Cybernetics, (1998) Vol. 27, No. 2,
283-294, by K. A. L.
The Problem of Effective Properties of a Mixture of
Two Isotropic Dielectrics Distributed in Space-Time and the
Conservation Law for Wave Impedance in One-Dimensional Wave
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. (1998) 454, 1767-1779,
by K. A. L.
Bounds for the Electromagnetic Material Properties
of a Spatio-Temporal Dielectric Polycrystal with Respect to
One-Dimensional Wave Propagation
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. (2000) 456, 1547-1557,
by K. A. L.
Low Frequency Longitudinal Vibrations of an Elastic
Bar Made of Dynamic Material and Excited at One End
Journal Math. Anal. and Appl., (2000) 251, 364-375,
by K. A. L.
Spatio-Temporal Dielectric Composites with Negative Values
of $\epsilon$ and $\mu$ and Negative Energy Density
submitted to Royal Society, by K. A. L. and S. L. W.
Consider the longitudinal vibration of an infinite elastic bar,
(rho z_t)_t - (k z_x)_x = 0,
where density and stiffness are denoted repectively by
rho and k ;
an electromagnetic material, composed of isotropic
dielectrics, with permittivity and permeability denoted by
epsilon and
mu ,
(epsilon z_t)_t - ((1/mu) z_x)_x = 0.
Assume that the material parameters are specified as fast, periodic
functions of both time
t and
space x .
More precisely, assume that at an initial instant, t = 0,
the property pattern is defined as a periodic array of segments of
length d such that
(rho1, k1) - "material 1" occupies volume
fraction m
(rho2, k2) - "material 2" occupies the volume
fraction 1-m
For t > 0 , the array moves along the x-axis
with a uniform speed V .
The material parameters (rho, k) thus
become periodic functions of the argument
(x-Vt)/e where
e is a small parameter.
This material pattern may be characterized as a laminate in
Such characterization does not imply, however, any
actual material motion: the material itself remains motionless,
whereas its property pattern is exposed to the uniform movement
along the bar.
The long wave dynamic disturbances will perceive this formation as a
new effective medium having no dispersion and moving with some
background speed.
Like its uniform material counterpart, this
material will allow D'Alembert waves travelling with some
characteristic phase velocities.
Under a special choice of parameters for the density and stiffness
rho and
k , these waves may travel in the same
This page contains some numerical computations which illustrate
this coordinated wave motion.
In the following:
V is laminate velocity
a1 is char. speed of material 1
a2 is char. speed of material 2
s1, s2 are the effective
mp is proportion of material 1 in laminate
Click to enlarge plots
Coordinated wave motion in a one-dimensional material subject to space-time
lamination of rho and
k .
(k1,rho1) = (1,1);
(k2,rho2) = (10,9);
mp = 0.5
For screening effect, choose V such that
0.60302269 < V < 1
or -1.0 < V < -0.60302269.
V = 0.8;
Initial data z=e^(-5x^2), z_t = 0
Time = 3.001
Time = 8
Contour plot of evolution of profile
s1 = 0.36378913
s2 = 0.96095791
V = -0.8;
Time = 8
Contour plot of evolution of profile
s1 = 0.36378913
s2 = 0.96095791
V = 0.3;
Time = 5
Contour plot of evolution of profile
s1 = -0.41161806
s2 = 0.78946064
k1 = 1,
k2 = 10,
rho1 = 1,
rho1 = 2.5,
mp = 0.5,
V = 0.0;
s1 = -1.01929438
s2 = 1.01929438
to Time = 3.0;
20 property pair layers (40 grid points/layer)
40 property pair layers (20 grid points/layer)
100 property pair layers (8 grid points/layer)
200 property pair layers (4 grid points/layer)
k1 = 1,
k2 = 10,
rho1 = 1,
rho1 = 9,
mp = 0.5,
V = 0.8;
s1 = 0.36378913
s2 = 0.96095791
to Time = 8.0
20 property pair layers (40 grid points/layer)
40 property pair layers (20 grid points/layer)
100 property pair layers (8 grid points/layer)
200 property pair layers (4 grid points/layer)
Effective Properties in Electromagnetic Material