
About the Course: Sra. Wildfong is our language teacher. No matter which language you take, this class will be an incredibly immersive experience for all students, creating the perfect environment to learn a new language in. This comes through books, movies, games, and even music! No English is ever spoken in her classroom, ensuring gradual improvement in all skills: Reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

One of the most anticipated assignments in language class is our school-wide meme contest! For the assignment, you are tasked with creating three memes that pertain to MAMS in some way- of course, in the language you are taking. After recieving submissions, seƱora choses one meme per week to post on the bulliten board outside her office.

This is one of my three memes! It has to do with computer science.

There are many opportunities in class to practice your speaking skills, one of which is presenting. At the end of A Term, this was the very first presentation we gave in Spanish. We all had to pick an artist along with 3 of their paintings to talk about. We were required to introduce our artist, then going on to describe in detail how their artwork looked, for which I chose Pablo Picasso.