
About the Course: Physics is taught my Mrs. Chase. We cover all topics that one might need to know for the AP Physics 1 or Physics C exams, plus some extra Electricity and Magnetism! There are plenty of unique problems and interesting concepts to keep you engaged, as well as labs to test the physics of different situations in real life. We do calculus in physics as well, which is all covered from scratch at the start of the year.

This assignment was our physics Problem of the Week, similar to the ones we do in math. It tested a combination of topics that we had recently learned at the time: Dynamics and Projectile Motion. The application of these two topics in one problem made it quite fun to solve. Below is my group's writeup for the problem and how we solved it:

This is our most recent lab, also pertaining to dynamics. We had a lot of freedom with this lab to choose what we were testing and how we were going to set up our experiment and measure data. I chose to use an inclined surface with an atwood's machine setup to find a relationship between the incline angle and the object's acceleration. For this, the Vernier software was used to make measurements, after which calculations were done by hand. Below is my lab report.