Math Modeling

About the Course: We are taught math by Mrs. Burns. The class involves lots of real-world math applications through modeling projects and competitions. Standard math concepts are also expanded on and linked through rigorous coursssework. This is much harder than your typical math class! There is little lecture and regurgitation practice, which was often a shared experience for most students at their sending schools.

All MAMS students participate in something called the Modeling the Future Competition (MTFC). It is an actuarial modeling project that is completed in groups, in which you will assess risks and create future predictions about those risks relating to any chosen topic or field. My group and I have chosen to investigate financial risks that E-Sports players face in comparison to widespread sports like soccer, as E-sports careers are quite niche. Our task is to search for available data on the internet that will help us create the most accurate and up-to-date model possible, while completing all steps of the actuarial process.

This is our project proposal, in which we present our ideas and brainstorming to judges before proceeding with the project. Final drafts are expected to be completed and submitted at the beginning of March.

MTFC Website for more info

This is an example of a Problem of the Week that we recieved. These problems are typically longer and more challenging than normal homework, therefore they are done in groups over an entire week. The task was to find a way to calculate the day of the week someone was born, given their birthdate, a four-function calculator, and a calendar only for October 2024 (The month in which we did this assignment) for us to reference off of.

In our report, we discuss the following points of this project:

> Describe the problem/task at hand

> Talk about our process, and how we reached our solution

> Presenting the steps to our solution

> How and why the solution works

> Create extensions for the problem