
Humanities, which Mrs. Small teaches, is an engaging mixture of both History and English. This class centers around what it means to be human and how the future will be. We read and analyze a lot of essential pieces, such as Walden. Humanity, race, and stereotypes are some of the main topics we cover. We read multiple excerpts on different sides of these issues, and it is up to us on how to analyze and depict what they mean.

Walden Skit

The first group assignment in Humanities was to create a skit on the book Walden by Henry David Thoreau, which is also the summer reading we had to do. My group decided to do a court case of Mass Academy against Thoreau. My role was to be the prosecutor and to try and show that Thoreau was a selfish person. This project was a great way to connect everyone here, and we all got to know each other differently while having fun. Attached to the left is our script of our performance.

Satire Assignment

One of my favorite units in HUM was analyzing and reviewing satires. Everyone has seen satire before, even if they have not realized it. One of the most famous groups performing many is SNL on YouTube. In this assignment, a partner and I created our own satire focused on many social media influencers going over students' college applications, who are overachievers, and the 1% when it comes to applicants, completely degrading their achievements and saying that they will not make it anywhere good. The satire helps people understand that whatever you accomplish is good for you and you will end up in a place you love. Attached to the right is our script.