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Taught by Ms. Small, Humanities is a course that involves studying both history and literature centered around answering the question to answer all questions: "What does it mean to be human?" We cover a wide variety of topics in class. Scroll below to learn more.

Satirical Analysis

A satirical analysis aims to break down a piece of satire, be it a book, movie, or even a skit, into an underlying message. For my satirical analysis, I chose to analyze a skit from the show "Saturday Night Live" that revolved around the (at the time) recently introduced Amazon Alexa. Using the virtual assistant, Saturday Night Live mocked older generations who were resistant to new technology. I compared this to another literal argument to make a point about the importance and effectiveness of satire. Read my essay here.

Education Essay

For this essay, I wrote about the idea of the nationalized curriculum. The nationalized cirriculum has never been implemented in the United States, and especially in the wake of Covid-19 and recent issues in education, it is a topic that is more relevant than ever. I discussed the pros and cons of a nationalized cirriculum and determine that it's a lackluster system for a multitude of reasons. Read the essay here.