Course Description
Physics is taught by Ms. Chase and goes over the movement of objects through space and time. We began the year with a brief introduction to calculus and we learned how to integrate and differentiate equations. Our next units were Kinematics, Dynamics, Energy, and Momentum, and we are currently learning about Circular Motion. Physics is primarily math-based and is taught through a combination of traditional note-taking, homework, and End-of-Chapter Problems, along with labs and group projects to further develop our understanding.
Dynamics Lab
The Dynamics Unit concluded with a student-led lab. In groups of three, we created a researchable question and then conducted trials to identify a linear relationship and analyze its meaning in context. Our group chose to investigate how the theta of an incline affects the force, mass, and acceleration of both masses in a modified Atwood’s machine. We created a lab plan, including a diagram of the set-up, and used Vernier Graphical Analysis, a measurement tool, to identify the final acceleration (our dependent value). The results of the trial were analyzed and the slope of the linear relationship was identified using Excel. My Dynamics Lab (left) outlines our question, hypothesis, strategy, data, analysis, and conclusion. Click here if you are having trouble viewing it!
Physics Problem of The Week (POW) 1
Similar to Math Modeling, we also did a POW to solidify concepts and have the opportunity to collaborate with our peers. POW 1 combined both kinematics and dynamics with a multi-part challenging problem. We were tasked with finding out how far a puck lands away from the base of the counter, after sliding down the slanted counter. Next, we head to find a way to change the angle of the ramp’s incline to maximize the distance the puck travels as a projectile. Our group was able to employ kinematic equations and derive dynamics equations from our Free-Body Diagrams to identify where the puck horizontally ended up in relation to the base of the counter (delta x). For the second part of the question, we began by using Excel to go through all possible integer angles to find the one that would yield the greatest delta x. To identify the non-integer optimal angle, we created a function, graphed it on Desmos, and identified the x-coordinate of the maximum to be the optimal angle. Our Physics POW write-up (right) outlines the problem statement (with a diagram), our process, solution, extensions, and a personal evaluation. Click here if you are having trouble viewing it!