Course Description
Computer Science is taught by Ms. Taricco and introduces students to basic programming languages: HTML with CSS and Java. The class consists of several labs with tasks that we must code a solution for. So far, we have reviewed data types, using objects, boolean algebra, iterations, static arrays, and ArrayLists. Scroll down to view a few of my favorite programs.
Line Art
One of my favorite programs was Line Art. When I first viewed the assignment, which included an image of the expected output, I immediately recognized the pattern from a prior elementary art project. The “curved” design was created solely using lines by shifting them in the negative direction on one axis and in the positive direction on another. For extra credit, we had the option to embed a smaller version of the same design. It was one of the first programs that used Java Applet and my table group began experimenting with changing the lines’ colors. I eventually settled on using a random color generator on every line to yield a unique design every time the program ran. I have attached an example of one of my outputs with the corresponding code left. Click here if you are having trouble viewing it!
Bulgarian Solitaire
Although one of the more challenging assignments, I enjoyed coding this program. It mimicked playing a card game, in which each round one card from each pile had to be removed and added to a new pile. This process was to be repeated until the ending configuration was a pile with 1 card, a pile with 2 cards, a pile with 3 cards, a pile with 4 cards, etc. This program combined for loops, if statements, and while loops to eventually yield the expected outcome (displayed right with the corresponding code below). Click here if you are having trouble viewing it!