Solar panel efficiency defines global sustainability. As of 2023, 3.4% or 144,000,000,000 KWh of the United States power is produced by solar. If solar panels can be made universally more efficient by even just 5%, the United States power grids could become 0.3% less dependent on fossil fuels such as petroleum. While this may not sound significant, roughly 3.1 million barrels of petroleum liquids would remain unburned annually, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by roughly 1.4 million metric tons per year (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2023a). The effect on the planet and global CO2 emissions would be profound. Any improvement to the efficiency of PVs can be an improvement to the condition of the planet and the sustainability of the world’s power grids. The results of this project contribute to this cause.
Below can be found two documents, at the left is my grant proposal and at the right is my thesis.
Below can be found my project notes. These notes comprise all research conducted as a part of this project, meticulously written out with descriptions, citations and diagrams.