Advanced Spanish

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In the advanced Spanish class at Mass Academy, we are only allowed to speak Spanish. We complete group projects, discuss homework assignments, and make conversation, solely in Spanish. In class, we often work on our year-long film project, read books as a class, watch movies or TV shows, or complete other activities relating to culture belonging to Spanish-speaking countries. Below are two samples of work I have completed in Advanced Spanish, an essay and a pronunciation-based assignment.

Below is an essay that I wrote regarding Un Cuento de Mi NiƱez or a story from my childhood. I wrote about a time that I went camping in the White Mountains and weathered significant hail and rain along a 9-mile hike to the summit of Cannon Mountain and eventually to an Appalachian trail hut on Lonesome Lake in New Hampshire. This was an amazing trip and a true testament to the beauty and unpredictability of the White Mountains. Pictures from this trip can be found at the bottom of the embedded PDF.

Here is a pronunciation test that I completed for the end of B-Term. One of these tests is completed at the end of each term. The purpose of this assignment is to teach proper pronunciation and measure improvement throughout the year. After receiving a written copy and listening to a sample recording, I produced a spoken recording of this news report with quality pronunciation in mind. Below is my recording.