Unlike most other schools, Mathematics at Mass Academy is a lot more group and technology oriented. Learning is typically a collaborative effort amongst students, and many group projects are assigned to promote this collaborative effort
HiMCM Group Project
One of the most major group projects that we did at Mass Academy was the HiMCM. HiMCM is a High School math competition where groups of students choose tone of wo problems and have to spend 36 hours straight finding a solution to the problem. The problem is always open ended, so there is no one right answer. The competition is about how well you can convey your solution and justify why it is correct. Our group's HiMCM solution can be seen here
Hanford Washington Problem
One of the major ways technology is implemented into math class is with the use of Mathematica. Mathematica is a computer program built for mathematicians and other STEM based professions. It is able to do a wide variety of things, such as doing basic arithmetic, solving equations, creating graphs, and other useful features. The Hanford Washington Problem was an assignment given to us in which we needed to use Mathematica to manually calculate a linear regression. Click here to see the assignment.