Computer science is taught by Mrs. Taricco. We started off this year by working with HTML and CSS to create these websites. From there, we learn about the fundemental principles of computer science along with Java. Each topic covered is practiced through many labs and exercises; as someone who didn't have much prior experience with computer science, this class has taught me important concepts that I have applied in my STEM project.
Some of our labs and exercises involve drawing through code. One such assignment was when we used the applet to "draw" a picture using lines. Despite the art looking like it has curves, only lines (and a few loops) were used to construct this picture.
As part of our assignment for static arrays, we had to write a program that drew stars of random sizes in random locations. Since the configuration is different every time, what I have is just one of the arrangements. This assignment incorporated different skills and concepts, such as arrays, loops, and even some trigonometry.
Apps For Good involves people developing an app to solve a problem in their community. I worked with Eddie and Maya to create an app called SeniorSphere, which provides an interface for senior citizens to play games that help keep their minds active. Through a simple user interface and some stats on the time spent training certain skills, this app seeks to reinforce a healthy routine in delaying the onset of various neurological disorders.
Target Audience
This app is intended for the elderly, as well as anyone who may be concerned about the onset of neurological disorders as they age. With this audience in mind, we wanted to incorporate well-known games that are easy to learn and websites that do not require personal info to play games.
Minimum Viable Product
Our minimum viable product (MVP) contains readily available online games, including sudoku and chess. It records the time spent playing a game and tracks the time spent on different skills (i.e. logic, strategy, etc.) that are trained for each game. It displays time spent on each skill on a stats page, which saves the total number of minutes spent. Positive messages are included on the homescreen as a way to encourage the user, and the app is able to completely reset data for different users on the same device.