
Class Description

In physics at Mass Academy, we explore many physics topics like kinematics, mechanics, circular motion, and much more using both an algebra and calculus-based approach. To help grow our knowledge in these areas, we run numerous labs and in-class demonstrations, allowing us to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. We also engage in problem-solving sessions and collaborative projects that deepen our understanding of the fundamental principles of physics. Throughout the course, we focus on developing critical thinking skills, analytical abilities, and preparing for more advanced study and real-life applications of physics.

Physics POW

In this Problem of the Week (POW), we analyzed the motion of a puck that was sliding down a ramp and we determined the horizontal distance it would travel after it left the ramp. By breaking down the forces that acted on the puck, we could then derive equations for acceleration, velocity, and projectile motion. We used these to calculate the puck's velocity at the end of the ramp and the time it would spend in the air, leading to the horizontal distance traveled. Additionally, we wrote a Python program that found the angle that would maximize the puck's horizontal distance, which turned out to be 26.65 degrees.

Dynamics Lab

In this dynamics lab, my group and I tested whether or not Newton's Second Law would remain true on an inclined plane by modifying an Atwood’s machine to include a 30-degree angle. Our goal was to determine if the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration still followed Newton’s Second Law when the system was on an incline. Using Vernier motion detector, we measured the acceleration of the system while varying the mass of the hanging mass, and graphed the results. Our data showed that the relationship between the hanging mass and acceleration was linear, as expected, though our experimental slope was much higher than predicted, leading to a significant percent error. Potential sources of error included inaccurate measurements of the incline, issues with the Vernier detector, and possible external forces affecting the system.