Physics, taught by Ms. Chase!
Course Description
Physics is our science class for Junior year, and it is very focused on understanding the reasoning behind physics and developing a deep understanding. We are currently on the sixth unit of the year, Circular Motion and Gravity. The previous units we have covered are Kinematics, Projectiles, Dynamics, Energy, Work, and Power, and Momentum. I find physics very challenging, yet very interesting and rewarding.
This is an assignment completed in November, and it was out first Physics Problem of the Week. For Problem of the Weeks (POWs), we are given a couple days to come up with and write up a solution to the given problem. What I really enjoyed about this one was the fact that we were grouped with people who are not in our typical classes. It was nice to work closer with new individuals and get to know them better. Here is our completed solution!
During the Dynamics unit, in groups we developed labs and then completed them. My group wanted to test the impact that an increase in theta will have on a cart’s acceleration using a Modified Atwood’s Machine. We hypothesized that larger theta values will lead to decreased accelerations. View the document to read more!