Stem II


In physics we do physics. I would say it is the most normal class we have. I like physics. So far we have done kinematics, dynamics, energy, and momentum, and now we are doing circular motion.

Kinematics Lab Report

Our first unit was kinematics. We studied movement of objects, mainly using the four kinematics equations. An example of a type of kinematics problem would be projectile motion. For a lab in this unit, we had to roll a cart down an incline and measure its velocity. This would allow us to calculate an experimental value for acceleration due to gravity. Usually, a full lab report will include a problem statement, hypothesis, and lab setup, but since this was the first lab we did and every student had the same setup, we didn't have to do as many steps on our paper. We only needed to show the data, analysis, and conclusions.

Dynamics Lab Report

Our second unit of the year was dynamics. We studied how objects' motion would be impacted by forces such as gravity. This lab was more complex than the previous one because we had to create our own experiment to conduct and include the full picture in our lab report. At the same time, we had to keep it roughly one page long which was a challenge. I think this lab report is overall an improvement on the last one because I was able to use more complex phyiscs topics and even included diagrams in the report, which was hard to do electronically. However, in this lab, we ended up with a very high percent error, which was concerning. Also, we had a mistake in the setup for our equations which led to collecting all of the data slightly incorrectly. But this was just another challenge to overcome and I think I was able to write a decent report despite these setbacks.