Computational Modeling of Phytoplankton Dynamics with Climatic and Ecological Ramifications

Why is this important?

Phytoplankton play an important role in regulating nutrient cycles and the climate. They are also a major food source for many organisms, acting as the base of marine food webs. In playing a major role in the global environment and climate systems, understanding the nature of their populations is crucial. This is especially important, as global warming is modifying ocean conditions, heavily changing phytoplankton dynamics. Understanding the causes and effects underlying this process can lead to fuller scientific understanding of aquatic ecosystems as well as climate and environmental systems at large. The information provided by the computational models created for this project may also help policymakers with managing marine ecosystems.

MSEF Proposal

Grant Proposal

Draft of Research Article

The above video depicts the execution of the Python code used to extract data from NetCDF files and save them as CSV files.

The above video is a demonstration of the Python code used to create the sinusoids for the time series models of all environmental parameters studied.

Project Notes

Project Logbook