William C. Sanguinet

Assistant Teaching Professor

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Research Interests

My research focuses on wave propagation through "dynamic materials". Dynamic materials are materials that have properties that are controllable in space and time. These materials exhibit very interesting properties and allow for effects that are unachievable through purely spatial design. This material concept takes into consideration inertial, elastic, electromagnetic and other material properties that affect the dynamic behavior of various mechanical, electrical, biological, and environmental systems. Mathematically, the problem is formulated for systems of hyperbolic conservation laws with spatial-temporal variation in the flux function. Both analytic and computational means are applied to the analysis of the effective properties of dynamic materials generated by various microstructures in two or three spatial dimensions and time.

List of Interests

  • Applied Mathematics

  • Wave Motion through Spatio-Temporal Composites (Older Link 1, Older Link 2)

  • Industrial Mathematics

  • Mathematical Physics

  • Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computation

  • Selected Publications
  • Energy Accumulation in a Functionally Graded Spatial-Temporal Checkerboard (Paper based off of my PhD research)
    Konstantin A. Lurie, Daniel Onofrei, William C. Sanguinet, Suzanne L. Weekes, and Vadim V. Yakovlev
  • Propagation of dilatation and shear waves through a dynamic checkerboard material geometry in 1D space + time
    K. A. Lurie and W. C. Sanguinet
  • Nonlinear Neutral Inclusions: Assemblages of Spheres
    Silvia Jimenez, Bogdan Vernescu, and William Sanguinet
  • The homogenized equations of motion for an activated elastic lamination in plane strain
    W. C. Sanguinet, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - ZAMM (2011) Vol. 91, No. 12, 944-946

  • Useful Websites
    Introduction to Dynamic Materials & Current Research