The Advanced Physics course at Mass Academy involves learning algebra and calculus-based methods to learn various different topics in the field of mechanics. During this course, students perfect their ability to be able to solve different types of mechanics problems and their ability to use laboratory tools to obtain the best lab results possible. In combination with this, students also learn to apply statistical techniques on data and learn as well as perfect lab report writing.
In a similar manner to the math modeling course at Mass Academy, in Physics, we did a POW that combined both dynamics and kinematics. For this POW the objective was to find how far an object would land after if fell from an elevated ramp. In order to solve this problem, we employed both kinematic and dynamic strategies to find an equation which could potentially determine an answer. However, in order to find the desired result from the equation, which contained two variables, we used Java. Our code is attached in the report to the left.
In Physics, we do multiple labs throughout the year and thereafter write reports on them. For this lab we were to design our own dynamics experiment which would allow to produce linear line when the results are graphed. Our experiment involved a cart on a track which was attached to two weights hung off a table by string. One of these masses was kept stable while the other was changed during each different trial. Although our graph which was acceleration of the cart vs. the changing mass was not linear, it was very close, and in the end was a successful lab.